Go With It

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Cam stood still as I got up to go for a walk with his mom. I looked back and smiled at him.




A"did you want something?"

G"uhhh, just answers..."

A"to what?"

A"i mean I'm not hiding anything.."

G"Do you like my son?"


G"sorry, I didn't mean to make it awkward, do you like Cameron?"

A"i love him, he's a great friend.."

She gave me the look like she knew much more, little did I know, she knew a lot more. It sounds as if Cameron practically spilled all his feelings out to her, she was calm but I became opposite. I'm not sure what makes me want to his this so much..maybe it's the fame Cameron has, or the jealousy other girls get when the see me... or maybe it's just me, and there is no excuse.


A"okay,I admit it. I like Cam but c-"

G"i knew it!"

G"well not really, I just wanted to interrogate you.."

I had just realized, Cameron did keep it secret, she was just messing with me, but I had told her first.

A"please, don't say anything.."

G"why is there something wrong?"

She asked, we started to walk back to the hot spot, the sun was going down.

A"nothings wrong, I'm just...not ready.."

G"i can talk to him if y-"

A"please! I can handle it, just.."

She smiled and grabbed my shoulder.

"I guess I can love you like a daughter.."

She said jokingly. It was an awkward walk back to the warm pit. We sat back down getting different looks in every direction. I liked over at Gina, as I sat back down beside Cameron, she winked at me, raised her eyebrows and pointed to my mindless mom. I shook my head no, and she laughed.

"You kids should all go play in the water before we have to go in!"

Gina winked at me, I was aware she was eager to say something but I got up anyways.

"Last one to the water eats a water bug!"

Cameron shouted.

"No! ewe no!"

I began running, Cameron was well ahead of me, but paused in front of the water, looking back at me. I stopped and covered my mouth..laughing historically at Cameron as a wave smashed over his head, it took a little bit but when the tide receded, Cameron was left in the shallow water, I ran over to him and offered a helping hand up, he pulled me in and caught me bridal style. It was too late. I screamed as I fell and watched all the parents look over at us.

"My mom knows...hey?"

Cameron asked.


We got up, Gina's hands were thrown in the air like she was celebrating something. I turned back and we swam in.

After the sun was point on to the water, we began to go in, stopping at Katy, we builds a sand castle with her.

"A wedding cake!"

Katy stacked different sized piles ontop of each other and moulded two turd like shapes and put them ontop.

"This is you!"

She poked me on the shoulder.

"And this is you!"

She pointed to Cameron.

We looked at each other and laughed. My parents came with all our beach stuff packed up in their hands.

"Let's go!"

We got to the hotel room and Gina slowed down..

"Told you he's a wheeler..."

Our parents laughed, she looked at us like we never heard. We said our goodbyes as everyone walked into their rooms, I opened the door letting Katy in, and held it shut. Cameron walked over to me and kissed me on the lips, removing my hair from the side of my face to behind my ear.

"Goodnight princess.."

He smiled and I opened the door and went back to my room to sleep, waiting for the next sun rise.

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