Meet and Greet

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It was a long flight but I slept most if the way, I was exited to meet all these people Can called his "internet friends"


I had my suit cad in one hand, standing behind Cameron patiently as he opened a door to the hotel. He walked in and the volume became obnoxious, I stepped in behind him, the room silenced down to almost nothing and everyone's eyes were pealed open, staring at me.

Cameron looked back at me and smiled.

"Everyone! this is my... girlfriend Ariana!"

I was looking down at the ground.

Everyone began to freak out, I looked up as they were all rushing to me.

"Ohhh...your not Ariana Grande...wait are you?"

This boys eyes, so blue, they looked at me and mirrored my own eyes.

"Hello, I'm Nash..what's your last name?"

I laughed a little.

"Paige, Ariana Paige.."

A girl with long, curly ginger hair stepped up.


She took my hand and shook it.

"You replicate Ms. Grande.."

I smiled at her and thanks her meeting the rest of the people there...mostly boys. Cameron pointed to them, saying their names.

"Cam! I'm stealing yo girl"

Mahogany yelled out, she smiled at me.

"Want a tour before it gets busy?"


We walked out of the room, she shut the door slowly, it was quiet.

"So, I'll show you where you'll be tomorrow!"

I looked at we confused..

"What do you mean?"

"Well don't you want to do meet and greets with us?"

I had no idea what is going on, what even is this?


She took me to a large empty room, there were some people setting up backdrops and a stage, there were more people putting up barricades.


A man with short brow hair shouted, he waved for her to come over to where they were setting up. She insisted I went with her.

"Bart, this is Ariana, Ariana this is Bart.."

He looked at me, just the same as everyone else.

"Ariana Paige..."

I corrected him, I could tell by his expression he thought I was lying.

"Okay, uhhh....? little Grande, are you wanting to do meet and greet or...well why are you here?"

Bart asked, he looked confused but he was trying to be nice.

"Oh I'm sorry, she Cams girl.."

Mahogany winked at me. I smiled awkwardly at bart, he looked shocked.

"I'll set you up with Cam than, you can share backdrop...number two.."

I thanked Bart, mahogany motioned for me to go with her.


"You have no idea what we you?"

She asked, I was going to try and play it off but I knew that wouldn't work.

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