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It's time for magcon, I was walking down the back way with Cameron, we took our time...although we were aware we were late. The walk was quiet.

"Are you nervous?"

"Me, no..why would I be nervous?"

He slowed down to a stop and looked at me, a smile grew on his face.

"'s time!"

I put my first foot up on the stairs, as Cameron instigated I went first. I took a deep breath in and continued to walk. I stood out, to see hundreds of girls watching, and listening to Shawn sing, I waited for Cameron to step up. once he got up, the girls screamed loud, Shawn looked back at us and stopped singing.

He coughed into the mic.

"Looks like fact pants is here!"

He laughed, as well as everyone else. Today was much different, the air felt lighter, the atmosphere was much more happy, I tried to forget yesterday, with my twitter gone...its all gone to me. I say down at the back, with Cameron and Matt, Shawn came and sat too, Jack and Jack got up and began to sing. I saw hands waving, which caught my attention, I looked over to see a girl with an access pass wrapped around her neck waving at me. I knew I recognized her, knowing she's not just a fan.

"Ariana right?"



She handed me a large camera.

"This is your new job. Stay out of trouble."

She joked, and walked away, I walked past the barricades and took some pictures of the boys singing. it was meet and greet time, I took some pictures with the boys and their fans. I heard my name being called, there was girls screaming my name I walked over and took some pictures until mahogany called for break time.

I set the camera in good hands of the lady that gave it to me and walked behind stage.


I jumped and looked at Cameron which was laughing at his success of scaring me.

"Got two bucks? I'm thirsty."

Cameron asked.

"So am i, but no..."

He gave me a devilish smile and grabbed my hand.

"Come on!"

Cam pulled me and we ran back to the stage, he grabbed the mic, still holding my hand in his, and that's where the attention of the fans were.

"Fist one to give my girlfriend 4 bucks...gets...selfies with me.."

I looked at him, shocked...why didn't he ask for himself?

"Oh can take break with me!"

He smiled and fans all turned to each other.

"I have money!"

Cameron hopped off stage and picked her up, over the barricade..

"Sorry girls!"

He said to the fans.

She hugged to him, I began to get a but jealous.

"Can we please take a selfie?"

"You owe me...."

"Oh yeah!"

She said handing me the money. I thanks her but I think she was more thirsty than the both of us combined.

I was unsure of what to actually do with the money..I felt guilty, I had no big reason to, i mean...she volunteered..right? My smile on my face was printed. It was so fake I could feel it, this girl is driving me crazy...and she's just a fan.

We got back to the vending machine, Cameron got a Gatorade, and I gave the girl back her change, and walked away.


I waved behind my back, walking away from Cameron up to our hotel room. I walked into the room with eyes laid on me.

I laughed.

"Why are you always eating?"

Nash and Matt both looked at me, with a mouthful of food, smiling, than looking at me confused, there smiles faded.

"What's wrong?"


"Where's Cam?"

"With a fan...."

"Oh, where are you going?"

He recognized as I was zipping up my bag.

"Well let's just say...magcon was a bad experience for me and I made a bad decision on coming.." I lowered my voice. "And tell Cameron I'm just downstairs."

I grabbed my bag and walked out of the room, I posted my first picture on Instagram, I had just taken, it was of the yellow taxi pulling up to pick me up.

"Airport please!"

We started driving and I posted a picture I me that magcon sent...taking pictures with the fans.

My phone lit up in my lap, I smiled, this was the first like I've gotten, than the first follower. I clicked on their account, she was young but posted good pictures of foods, I followed her back.

"Click here to explore the popular page and find new people to follow!.

A banner read, pointing arrows, I clicked on the star looking thing, it was awesome, pictures of beautiful girls and cool fashion stuff, I looked a bit closer, seeing a picture of Cameron. I laughed a little, somewhat confused but I've kinda got a grip on his popularity now. I clicked onto the profile "cams_instagram"

"Stop the cab! please.."

I got a bit tears eyed looking at Cameron's posts.

"Sorry, can we please go back?"

The driver nodded and turned at the nearest stop.

I got out, paying the driver almost twice as much as I wanted. I walked to the elevator and stood silently as my breathing echoed in the empty metal contraption. The doors opened and I walked to the room. By now I had completely forgotten about the fan with Cameron, mostly coming to the's a fan.


I opened the door with a small rush of excitement. I saw a worried look on Nash and Matts face, than I looked past them and saw Cameron on our bed. I dropped my bag realizing he wasn't alone, there was another girl laying beside him, cuddled up in his chest.

"Thought she was gone...?"

Matt whispered nervously to Nash.

Nash but his lip, guilt had stuck his face.

I was still at the door frame, my body was still, I was shocked.


I said in a very sincere voice, I could hear the pressure of tears building up in my eyes.

"Ari! I though you were gone babe..?"

"So that makes this okay?"

He got up and began to walk over to me.

"No, Cameron. Get away from me."

I stepped back putting my hands up in front of me. I turned around, I looked down and said softly.

"Good bye Cameron."

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