Chapter 5

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2 months later
Corey's POV
I woke up to noises out side it must the be the guys and Lydia. So I got out of bed and went to the bathroom to get ready I took a shower then I put hairspray in my hair but because its getting long now and Lydia doesn't want me to cut it. Then I put my black ripped skinny jeans on with my Jerika T-shirt on with my black vans. I went down stairs I quickly had a piece of toast. Then I went to the balcony and everyone was on the trampoline so I jumped over the balcony on to the trampoline.
Lydia:"Your really stupid."
Corey:"I know because ima savage but you do it sooo."
Lydia:"Oh yeah. Short term memory loss."
Corey:"Okay babe if you want."
Landon:"Guys what are we doing today."
Corey:"Hide and seek?"
Lydia:"But where."
Corey:"Walmart again."
Lydia:"Okay I just need to get changed because as you can see I still have my pyjamas on."
Corey:"Okay babe we will be waiting for you in the living room/kitchen."
Lydia:"Okay I will be quick."

Lydia's POV
I went up stairs to Corey's room to get changed.After I got dressed I went downstairs to meet the boys. We all went in Corey's drift car #projectfunk. We got to Walmart and Landon was the one who was counting. I hide on the bottom shelf behind the toilet roll with Corey 20 minutes after Landon had finished counting he had found everyone else but it took him 22 minutes to find us. After playing for 40 minutes we got kicked out so we went to in'n'out then we went to Tempest. I don't have crutches anymore and my ankle has healed so I can jump on trampolines now and do back flips and front flips like I usually do when I'm at Tempest.
Corey:"Hey babe me, Capron, Landon, my parents and your parents have been talking and we all have decided that you and Landon can move in with us."
Lydia:"Omg for real, I get to live with my handsome boyfriend."
Corey:"Yes babe but you are sleeping in my bed with me whilst Landon and Coby share a bunk bed in my room because Capron doesn't have any more room."
Lydia:"Okay I don't mind."
Corey:"I love you babe."
Lydia:"I love you too babe."
Jordan:"Okay cuteness overload."
Lydia:"Oh is ittle Jordan jealous."
Jordan:"No I'm not."
Lydia:"I'm only joking jo."
Jordan:"I know lyd."
Lydia:"We need to find you a girlfriend."
Natalie:"ROAD TRIP!!!"
Lydia:"But where to?"
Corey:"How about Miami or Hawaï?"
Natalie:"Okay so that's it we are going to Hawaï to get Jordan a girlfriend."

Corey // Funk BrosWhere stories live. Discover now