Chapter 6

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3 weeks later
Lydia's POV
We are back from our trip to Hawaii to get Jordan a girlfriend but it didn't work.
Lydia:"Corey I don't want to go to school tomorrow."
Corey:"You have to because that was the deal if you went to school you could live with us but if you didn't you would have to go back home. So you have to go to school tomorrow and anyway you have me, Tanner, Tyler, Jeremy, Jordan, Ali and Aj."
Lydia:"Okay I will go to school tomorrow just because all my friends are there and you too and if it means I can still live with you so then I will go to school."
Corey:"Okay. Its 2am we need to get to sleep for school tomorrow because you take forever to get up."
Lydia:"Okay, night Cor."
Corey:"Night babe. Love you."
Lydia:"Love you too."
Next morning
Corey's POV
I woke up then I got out of bed to go to the bathroom. I had a shower then I got dressed into my blue jeans with my beau bros T-shirt and my savage hoodie with my black Nike SB. I went back into my room to find Lydia awake.
Corey:"Good morning babe."
Lydia:"Good morning cor."
Core:"I will be down stairs waiting so you have some privacy to get dressed."
Lydia:"Thank you."

Lydia's POV
I got out of bed to go to the bathroom to get dressed.

Then I went down stairs to go see Corey for school because at the moment his the only one who can drive me because I have failed my test once so I tomorrow I can take the test again

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Then I went down stairs to go see Corey for school because at the moment his the only one who can drive me because I have failed my test once so I tomorrow I can take the test again.
Corey:"Hey babe you look beautiful. Just to let you know we have to stop at Tyler's house and Jeremy and Jordan's  house to pick them up."
Lydia:"Thanks. Okay but I call shotgun all the way to school."
Corey:"Haha okay babe if you want."
-skip car ride-
When we got to school there was Tanner waiting for us leaning up against his GT-R. Well started to walk towards the school. We all went to our lockers, are lockers are right next to each other. Then we made our way to our first class. When we walked in to the classroom there was best friend Malia and Max from primary you I haven't seen I ever sitting next to each other. Me and the others noticed that Jordan was looking straight at Malia, we all looked at each other and started laughing.
Jordan:"What are you laughing about."
Malia&Max:"OMG, Lydia how are you? We have missed you sooo much."
Lydia:"Omg, Malia, Max I'm good, I have missed you too so much. What are you doing here?"
Max:"Well are parents decided that they wanted to move to LA and that's when we remembered that you moved to LA and we knew what school you were going to and our parents decided that they would put us in this school."
Lydia:"Omg, yesss."
Malia:"Who is this?"
She said pointing at me and Corey holding hands.
Lydia:"Well this is my boyfriend Corey."
Malia:"Omg I'm so happy for you my little Lyd."
Max:"Hang on do you mean Corey as Corey Funk."
Lydia:"Yes Max as Corey funk."
Lydia:"Oh and me and Landon live with them now."
Malia:"Your kidding."
Corey:"No she isnt , she lives with us now."
Malia:"Omg im so jealous."
-skip rest of day-
When we got home me, Malia and Max went into the pool whilst waiting for they guys to come back from panda express we all asked the guys to get us something but I asked Corey because he knows what I always have.
Malia:"So how long have you and your hottie boyfriend been seeing each other?"
Lydia:"I think it has been 2 months."
Corey:"Yes it has been 2 months."
Lydia:"Omg, Corey don't scare me like that."
Corey:"Sorry babe I didn't mean to scare you."
Lydia:"Doesn't matter Cor."
Everyone:"Awww so cute. #Lorey."
-skip few hours-
Corey's POV
It has been 2 hours that we have been in the pool. Max and Malia left 20 minutes ago.
Lydia:"So jo why do you keep looking and flirting with Malia."
Jordan:"Because she is beautiful. She single isn't she."
Lydia:"Yes jo yes she is. She has been single for a year because her ex cheated on her with her sister and since then she doesn't trust guys."
Jordan:"Oh okay so that means I won't get a chance."
Lydia:"Don't worry I will talk to her. But if you hurt her I will cut your nuts off."
Jordan:"Okay I promise I won't hurt her."
Corey:"Lydia that was a bit harsh."
Lydia:"Well she is like my sister so."

Corey // Funk BrosWhere stories live. Discover now