eight || 🇰🇷REPUBLIC OF KOREA || 대한민국

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//Later... in the morning...

It was 7:00A.M (Seoul time), everyone was downstairs and has just checked out for the day.

"So, SK, what's the plan for today?" England asked.

SK gave a little playful smirk. "Who's in the mood for a little shopping?~"


The countries stepped out the van to a really crowded street filled with people hustling and bustling carrying loads of shopping bags and whatnot.

"Aiya, is this another Harajuku Station or something, aru?"

Japan cringed at that question.

SK chuckled. "I guess you can say that." SK stepped to the side, stretched out an arm, and happily said "Welcome to Myeong-dong, da-ze!"

" SK stepped to the side, stretched out an arm, and happily said "Welcome to Myeong-dong, da-ze!"

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"Hetalia, aru!"

"Ok, so other than shopping, there's also a cathedral around here for the Catholic natio-"

"Ooo, Roma! Let's go there before anything! Por favore?~" Spain did the puppy dog eyes he knew Romano couldn't resist.

Romano tried to pull a firm "No." but eventually sighed in defeat. "Whatever you want, tomato b@st@rd. Just dont call me that again." He then turned around to Feliciano. "Oi, fratellino. You heard the tomato b@st@rd. Let's go and actually be holy for once.

"Ohonhonhonhon, with zhat mouth?" France retorted.

"Si, fratello!" Feliciano agreed with a smile while ignoring France's comment.

"I zhink I'll join you, mes amies." France butted in.

"And vhile jou're all over zhere being saints, zhe rest of us vill be vith SK emptying our vallets." Prussia said. "Kesesesesesesese.~"

"Und ve all shall meet back here when it's time to go back to zhe hotel. Understood?"

"Yes, Germany." Everyone answered in their respective native tounges.

And with all of that out of the way, they went their merry way.

"Kesesese, Hetalia!"

//With France, Romano, Spain, and Feliciano...

As they headed towards the cathedral with the help of a map that SK gave Spain, Feliciano's nostrils were activated by the scent of the nearby streetfood.

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