O N L I N E.

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Quarantined in their homes with restricted access outside, the gang decided to hold meetings online through video chat.

"Guten tag, everyone. Now zhat everyone's here, I call zhis meeting to order at [xx:xxAM]. First order of business: status report. How is everyone doing?"

"Not good, mi amigo. The number of cases and deaths here in España are increasing each day."

"Ve, it's the same-a here in Italia-"

Lovino pushed his brother out of the webcam's view. "I'm stuck in my house with mi idiota fratellinos Feliciano and Sebastian, and we're low on PASTA. How do you think it's going, potato b@$*@**? Tsk."

To his side, still out of sight from the webcam's view, Feliciano looked at his older brother with tears starting to form. "Ve, why do you hate me so much, fratello?"

"Ugh, tell me about it, dude. I went to Walmart yesterday for some sanitary products, and the toilet paper aisle was chaotic-"

"Oh yeah, I saw the whole thing on your Instagram story." Matthew imterrupted. "But I don't think the word 'chaotic' really does the scene any justice, eh."

"Ja, me too. I agree vith birdie: 'chaotic' is an understatement." Gilbert added. "I saw you rip a roll of tissue out of a package someone was holding."

"Yeah, I still had to pay it's original price at the cashier, though." Alfred sweatdropped. "The lady cashier looked at the single toilet roll, then at me, gave me a weird look, sighed, then scanned it." He shrugged. "Hey, what can I do? Desperate times call for desperate measures."

"Aiya, that poor lady, aru..."

"Bloody hell, Alfred. I... I don't even know what to ask about first-"

"Then I'rr start." Kiku spoke up. "Why toiret paper of arr things?"

Alfred shrugged. "To be honest with ya'll, even I'M confused as to why MY OWN CITIZENS panic-bought the toilet paper." He sighed in disppointment. "We live in a society..."

"Non, Amerique, zhe whole 'toilet paper shortage' iz just you." Francis responded to the American bluntly.

Alfred gave a "Hmph." and a pout in response.

"I would-a just like to remind everyone that-a even during World War 2, there were still pasta on the shelves here." Lovino blurted out of nowhere.

"You're still not over that, Lovi?"

The third and youngest Italian brother, Sebastian, spoke up from somewhere in the background. "And we never will be!"

"We're literally going to STARVE without it, Antonio."

"Aiya, at least you can EAT the pasta, aru. Now with toilet paper-"

"HEY, SHUT IT, YAO." Alfred shouted amongst snickers and low 'Ouuu's'.

Lovino's lips formed a faint smile at that. "Ha, you have a good point there, Yao. Somehow, that makes me feel slightly better about myself."

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