twenty - seven || 🇵🇭REPUBLIKA NG PILIPINAS

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After the foreign guests were done setting their luggage, the Philippine duo and their guests hopped back in the jeep and drove off.


"(1)Dito na po kami!"

Lovino eagerly got off the jeep. "F***ing finally! After-a 2 damned hours!"

Arthur shrugged. "It isn't really that different from London, if I'm being honest."

"Or New York." Alfred added.

"Ja, ja. Juan, Maria, Where-"

Ludwig felt a tap on his shoulder and turned around, only to see his older brother crossing his legs tightly.

"Uh... Vest-"

Ludwig sighed angrily and facepalmed. "Vhat did I say about drinking all zhat vater before ve left?"

"Jou vant to stand here und scold me like a child, or are ve going to prevent any 'accidents' und help me find a restroom around here?"

Ludwig looked to his left and saw a policeman dressed in colonial clothing, excused himself in front of the Philippine duo, and went up to him.

"Hallo, excuse us, but is there a restroom nearby?"

"(2)Oh, el baño más cercano que puedes usar está en el pequeño restaurante al otro lado de la calle.

"Excuse me?"

"Hold on, I got zhis. ANTONIO!"

Not long after, Antonio came running up to them.


"Can jou ask him in Spanish vhere zhe nearest restroom is?"

Antonio nodded. But before he could ask, Maria appeared from behind the policeman.

"He said that the nearest restroom you may use is in the small restaurant just across the street." She pointed to the restaurant with her lips.

"Danke, Maria!" Gilbert smiled at her and turned to Ludwig. "Come on, Vest!" And with a tug on his arm, they were off.


Off in a distance was a church.

"Ooo, Roma!"


Antonio pouted. "Aww, but why, mi hijo?"

Lovino sighed. "Tomato b@$t@rd, it's-a too far. Can't it-a wait 'till la-"

"I can take you guys there, po!"

Antonio and Lovino turned around to see Maria, smiling sweetly.

"Aiya, what about us non-Catholics, aru?"

"You can go with Juan, po." Everyone looked back at Juan who smiled wide and waved in return.

Just beyond our BordersOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora