twenty - three || 🇹🇭THAILAND

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Before I continue on with the story , I would like to quickly give a shoutout/dedication of this chapter and the previous one to @MoonlightOokami for suggesting that Thailand take the gang to the Phuket Market and the Siam Niramit show. I did my part and researched the significance the two destinations. But if you feel that I wasnt accurate enough, please kindly inform me either through pm or in the comments. I will fix it up as deemed necessary. Thank you.

Anyway, enough of my rambling.

I hope you enjoy the chapter ! <3


//minutes later...

Thailand and the gang arrived at the hotel sleepy and ready for bed. Because of this, they went straight to their rooms and straight to bed.

//timeskip to morning (Bangkok time)...

The foreign nations were down in the lobby, waiting for Thailand for quite some time now.

Prussia was just about to say something about this when they heard an odd sound from outside.

Almost like the beep of a vehicle.

They went outside and saw Thailand gesturing for them to come inside what looks like to be an enlarged tricycle.

"What are you all still standing out there for? Get on!"

"Th-Thairand-san, gomenasai, but, what happened to the van?"

"Funny you asked. The thing is, I was going to drive the van, but then I remembered about my tuk tuk and decided to go back home quickly to pick this up." Thailand explained.

"But vhy vould jou go zhrough all zhat trouble?" Germany asked.

"I thought that it would be a nice experience for you all to ride in one of these." Thailand replied. "It is my traditional mode of transportation."

Now that they think about it, the foreign nations did see a lot of these strange vehicles driving through the streets of Bangkok. They thought it was kind of... weird.

"And just how the bloody hell do you expect all of us to fit in that deformed bicycle?!" England complained.

Thailand sighed. "Once again, it's called a tuk tuk. Second, squeeze in. It's not like you guys brought big or bulky bags with you, right?"

The foreigners looked at each other and sighed while others groaned, knowing that they had no other choice.

"Kesesese, hetalia!"

Thailand and the foreigners stopped by a grand looking palace. Some of them had there mouths open in awe at the sight; others were just glad that they can move and breathe freely.

"Welcome to one of my most popular attractions here in Bangkok, the Grand Palace." Thailand said with a warm smile on his face. "Since you all seemed to dress appropriately today, I decided to take you all here and explore the grounds."

"Can you take us inside that beautiful palace, ve?~"

Thailand shook his head. "Unfortunately, you cannot. I apologize. But, feel free to take a walk around the palace; and you may also take some pictures while you're at it."

The foreigners nodded their head in understanding and walked on to heed Thailand's suggestion.

So, for the next 30 minutes, Thailand just smiled as he watched his guests walk around and take pictures of and with the golden pagoda-styled roofs of the temple and its elegant decor.

//30 minutes later...

Thailand gathered his guests and walked for a while to Wat Pho. There, they were greeted by the sight of a Buddha statue 45 meters long and 15 meters wide.

After a few pictures, Thailand asked if they wished to get a quick massage in the traditional medical school just inside Wat Pho. Nations like England, China, and Japan seemed to be happy about the offer and accepted it humbly.


//later... that evening...

It was dark outside. They a got out of the tuk tuk and Thailand led his guests inside a building and was shocked to see that it seemed to seat at least a few thousand people.

After taking in their surroundings, Thailand welcomed them inside. "Welcome to Ratchada Theatre. It can seat 2,000 people. The stage is in the Guinness Boom of World Records as the highest in the world- standing 11.95 meters high!" Thailand proudly shared.

"Impressive, mon amíe. But why do you need a stage that high?"

Thailand smirked. "You'll see in few minutes."

"Kolkolkol, hetalia, da."

The foreign nations were amazed with all the props and its intricate detail; and shocked the use of real-live animals on stage.


For those of you who dont know, heres what a tuk tuk looks like :

For those of you who dont know, heres what a tuk tuk looks like :

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It almost looks like a Philippine trycicle to me, but larger😂

Those of you who are Filipino or have been to the Philippines would know what Im talking about.

Anyway , as always ,

Ayye , thank 'chu !😘

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