~ Story of a Bloody Christmas ~

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"My life ended and started with two fangs piercing through my skin, blood dripping down my neck and staining my Christmas dress. You don't know how many times I've tried to hurt myself after that night, or how many times I wanted to go back in times to turn things back to normal.  I cried so much when my skin healed back from scratching at it , I didn't feel the pain or maybe because it made me think of that night.
I didn't eat or sleep. I couldn't stop having nightmares.
The worse of it all was the hot itching feeling in my throat that only blood could calm...
and that's when I did it ... The first time I drank blood, it made me feel energised and alive. Not only it changed me on the inside, but on the outside too. I use to be "normal" looking, you know, with fox red hair , glasses and more than just black clothes!
It made my hair healthier, shinier and blood red coloured, my skin pale, flawless and smooth.
I started wearing all black to hide in the shadows, my senses got better, I got rid of my glasses and people started realising I existed .
But I guess I should cut the bullshit and  tell the story of how I died....." I finished with a small smirk.

"It happened one and a half years ago, Christmas Eve! I had a fight with my brother and mom about my dad! It's a long story but, my dad and I used to be really close. So I felt like shit when I heard that he got re-married and he's not going to spend Christmas with us. I blamed my mom and .... I was just a bitch to everyone around me for no apparent reason.
I hopped into my moms car and ... I have no idea what was going through my head but I wanted to find the woman who stole my dad from me... and just give her a piece of my mind...
I was speeding and it was raining, I was crying and I couldn't see anything clearly.
I got into a car crash and I woke up in a hospital, the worst headache and deep , reddish purple  bite marks on my neck. I was dizzy and I might have attacked a nurse..." I said as I chuckled a bit.

Aidan was just staring right into my eyes and couldn't say a thing.

"Can you say something??" I asked as I tilted my head to the side
"Your story is so much more interesting than mine!" He smiled at me
"Well.. That's a way you can look at it!" I giggled a little as I leaned back on the wind mill roof top.
"This should be an eye opening for you!" Aidan said as he leaned back as well
"Huh?" I opened an eye
"You know... You always trying to be normal, and blend in but, You know you're not. Since the day you got turned you've been different from everyone else and you should be proud of that. Different is good." Aidan smiled down at me
"You're right, Fuck normal!" I stood up as I said that
"FUCK NORMAL" I shouted as loud as I could
"Yeah, FUCK NORMAL!"Aidan stood up and shouted with me.


"Can you hear that?" We both looked up at the sky
We closed our eyes and listened as the wind blew the leafs off the trees , the water fall , the wolfes, the bugs, the frogs , the forest....
"It's the song of the forest." I slowly said as I opened my eyes after a few minutes of silence.
He slowly turned to me and smiled, he's hair was flowing in the wind and at the sight of him my heart started beating faster.


Days like this make me feel better about being a social reject, less friends mean less worries. As I was thinking that I heard a knock on the door.

"Come in if you have to." I said in a monotone as I was laying on my bed with my phone in my hands.
"Hey!" I heard two familiar voices from the door.
As I slowly got up , I saw the blondie holding a box and the other crazy person I call my best friend was holding the "mean girls" DVD.
"Can I help you?" I raised my eyebrows as I looked at these two smiling at me like lunatics.
"Come on! We heard you got suspended! So we thought we could cheer you up with some cupcakes and mean girls." She smiled as she handed me the box full of cupcakes.
"Why would I be upset about not having to go to school for three day? I could just stay in my room do my home works and then chill."  I answered while they settled down on my bed.
"That does sound great." Amanda bounces on the bed before she bit into a chocolate cupcake with chocolate frosting, while Scarlett got out a diet red velvet one with vanilla icing.

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