~Bloody Holiday~

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"Alright... let's just pretend nothing happened." He stood up and avoided eye contact, I didn't want him to, I couldn't look him in the eyes. I felt a pit in my stomach as guilty built up, lying was not my greatest skill, I was better at saying whatever was on my mind.
Before I could finish my thought process he turned to me with a weak smile that even I could tell was fake, he started walking towards me , so I backed up before he got too close. He just walked past me , down the stairs. I was a bit disappointed, I expected something more but I can't blame him for doing what I asked him to. For a couple of seconds I stood at the same spot , staring down the stairs, looking at the spot he stood at a few seconds ago as he disappeared from view.

"You're coming or what?" He asked with cheerfulness in his voice, but I couldn't bring myself to say anything remotely as cheerful back.
I walked down , and saw his normal adorable expression, the one could melt my heart.
I weakly smiled to show that hopefully everything was fine between us. I knew it wasn't, I knew it was a strange thing to expect, I knew it was stupid to say the opposite of what you felt but it was the right thing to do.

"I-I should go home. Maybe my brother is back, and my mom might call" he cut my mumble off with a quick:
"I got it." He smiled , which now looked genuine and sweet, his eyes glimmered , the sun was coming up and a cold breeze came rushing through the room, causing it to rustle through my hair, hitting my back gently. Quickly I smiled and stepped back to get out of the open door.
"See you soon?" He asked quietly
"Maybe" I answered, my voice weak and unsure.


Waking up two days later , to the sound of my my dads voice seemingly irritated with who ever he was on the phone with.
I slowly creeped near the stairs to see into the living room.

"Yes Sarah, I knew she started her rebel phase, But this is too much. She dyed her hair? Getting suspended from school for aggressive behaviour, getting almost arrested for vandalism and starving herself on top of that? Not to even mentioning that she disappears at night. This is more than being rebellious don't you think? She might need serious help" He sound really frustrated now, and so was I. I wasn't a mental case but even if I was it would be his fault.
I stumbled down the stairs as loud as I could to get his attention.

He looked at me with a nervous expression as he said bye to my mom and ended the call. 
I slipped on some spiked black boots, loudly and physically frustrated. This was my fist day back in school since I was suspended, it was a Wednesday, it was getting colder and I haven't seen Aidan since - since... whatever happened in the wind mill a few days ago. I was exited to get back into routine, not much the school aspect, as a vampire I don't know how much of it I would actually need in life.

I was about to step out the door and run like my life depended on it. Aidan's been leaving blood packs by my window each night, it was his way of taking care of me, but keeping his distance.
While deep in thought my dad called to me just as I turned the door knob of the front door.

"Brooklyn!" He called my name and with an eye roll I turned to him.
"Yes father" I answered in an innocent yet sarcastically tone.
"I'd like to take you and Jake to New York in December." He typed something on his phone while either asking or telling me his plans that apparently involved me.
"Hell nah" I responded rapidly and turned on my heel. 
"Come on pumpkin. You can bring your friends if you'd like."
"Ok" I tried to think of a way to get out of "a trip"
"I want to bring as many people as I can, I lied , I don't think I know that many people who I can call my friends. But it was the best thing that came to mind. My dad was never too keen on big groups, if he said a number lower than four I could just say no, I had more friend that that, even though...I did not.
"Really? Sure thing sweetie you bring whoever you want it's your birthday." He smiled
"Are you serious?" I blinked confused at the sudden change in plans.
"Yes of course. I didn't think you became the popular one, but I'm glad pumpkin"
He smiled before kissed my forehead.
"There are about seven or eight spots left if you'd like." He responded without even the slightest worry in his voice.
Seven or eight? That's way more than I expected, I couldn't use my planned tactics, I don't think I even knew more than eight people on a first name basis.
I now had to find seven people to come on a "holiday" with me. Unless I wanted to sound like a brat who turned down a free holiday, or a looser who didn't have friends in the higher numbers. My dad wouldn't care, but I wanted to prove myself anyway.
I really thought I could throw him off.
I could always invite Jakes friends just to do him a favour and look more "friendly" in front of my dad.
The only thing was that I still didn't want to go on this trip too badly. I could still fight the system by just saying no, but I always had to make things difficult for myself.

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