7: preston

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A/N: trigger warning: body dyphoria, mentions of periods, and blood.
i flopped on my bed, staring at the ceiling.
god, what a day.
i couldn't help but giggle to myself and toss and turn a bit.
i got paired up with max.
it was probably david.
i pulled out my somewhat new phone and texted in the group chat i had with nerris and harrison.
to: dorks :P, from me:
can you guys believe what happened in class today? god, its a dream come true!
from preston🎭 to dorks :P :
Yeah, I'm happy for you, Preston.
from nerris💫 to dorks :P :
i'm not really excited about working with space kid, but i'll make it work! we could make our project into a role playing game!
from preston🎭 to dorks :P :
I'm excited to be working with Neil, though I wish it was a three-person project, you know?
to: dorks :P, from me:
yeah, true. but i get to work with max!! MAX!!
we continued chatting like this for a while till i decided to go take a shower.
undressing, i quickly took off my binder and tucked it under all of my clothes, making a mental note to get it later.
i turned the hot water on and slipped into the shower, soon forgetting about my other issues and focussing on max.
i wonder why he seemed like a complete asshole to other people, including his friends, but somewhat nice to me.
my thoughts were cut off by a strange feeling. well, not strange. it was rather familiar. i got it every month.
my period.
i sighed and finished with my shower, looking down as i put on a pad and got dressed. tears began to fall. and they fell hard.
god, i'm a mess.

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