1: neil

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A/N: *evil laughing* haha.
you know, i fucking hate myself. i'm a bad guy. but one thing i do pride myself in, however, is how open i am about my likes and interests.
max can go on about he "hates preston" this, or how he "doesn't like preston" that, but we all know the truth.
at least i'm man enough to admit how much i fancy harrison and nerris. i mean, i know i'm mean to them, but max is mean to preston.
i'm proud of max for admitting his feelings. i only reached the tip of the iceberg when i mentioned nerris snd harrison.
honestly, i think i love them. i really really do! harrison's accent makes talking to him worthwhile, and nerris' little references were fucking adorable.
and, because i'm me, i'm gonna tell 'em!
after max saved preston from nurf's torment, the bell rang, and i practically sprinted to ms. b's class, one of the only classes i had with nerris and harrison.
i almost slammed the door open and sprinted to harrison's desk, where he was sitting with nerris. they looked up at me with confusion.
"hey, neil...what are you doing here?" nerris asked, resting her chin in her palm.
well fuck. that was adorable.
"i, uh, wanted to tell you and harrison something? it, uh, it's pretty important, so..."
"okay...go on? i'm working on a trick here." harrison said to me, annoyance in his voice.
i bit my lip and looked at them in anticipation. maybe i shouldn't be doing this.
too late.
"so, um. we're friends, right? right. yeah. haha. well, over the five years i've known you guys, since my first day, i've been...pretty attracted to you guys...like an equal amount, y'know? and, i know, this is weird shit, and you guys most likely don't want to speak to me again, but-"
"neil!" nerris shouted, earning a few glares.
i swallowed and tilted my head.
"we were just talking about this, actually." nerris said casually, leaning back.
my eyes lit up.
"yeah. i've liked you and nerris for a while. she knows, feels the same way, and we were thinking of when we should tell you." harrison told me, looking down and shuffling the cards below him. i was speechless.
i stood there like a deer in headlights, shaking. i fiddled with my fingers, avoiding their gaze.
they nodded in sync.
i sat down on the floor next to them. nerris leaned down to me and grabbed my hands. i looked up at her and harrison.
"so. together? all three of us?" harrison asked.
"all three of us."

A/N: 'lil chapter for my poly babes that i adore oh so dearly. i hope you enjoy!

The Play (MaxPres - Camp Camp)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora