12: max

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fast forward to 2 months later, i'm still with preston goddamn goodplay.
preston goddamn goodplay.
the love of my miserable life? possibly.
i held his hand with a scowl on my face as he rambled about the musical with the gay couple from the 70s (falsettos? yeah. that one). i wasn't mad at him. god, no. aside from my normal look of hate, i was scowling because i was just, well, extremely fucking jealous.
yeah, i'm that kind of lover. i get insanely jealous over every fucking thing. i hate it, but that's just how i am.
why am i jealous? the previous night, preston had spent the night with his little theatre friends. preston told me they didn't sleep, which worried me, because he needed proper sleep, or else he gets sad...and sick...and just not well at all. he didn't text me or call me.
maybe i was being a bit clingy, but i was worried. i love him, i really do. i'm too scared to tell him i'm jealous. he'll leave me for sure.
he looked at me curiously. "max, love? did you hear me?"
sadly, i shook my head. "sorry, pres, i'm just thinking of something."
we stopped in front of daniel's class. preston took both of my hands and stood in front of me.
"what is it? is it-" his eyes widened. his mouth turned into an "O" in shock. he dropped my hands and put his own over his mouth.
"oh! oh, max, max baby, i'm so...i didn't even realise! i'm so sorry, maxxy, i-"
i shushed him with a hug and a chuckle.
"it's okay, really, pres. honestly." i assured him.
he nodded into my shoulder.
maybe it was okay.

A/N: hey, i'm isaak, i can't update.

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