Ch. 3 - The Plan

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Author: undefmidi


Boku no Hero characters, original story and everything belong to Kohei Horikoshi, the author of said series. I only own the Plot.

I plan on making this fan-fiction ~10 chapters, although I cannot and will not promise anything.

I am finding the Narrator POV better, so don't expect consistency regarding the POVs.

If you like it, please share it!



Chapter 3 – The Plan

Sometime before the invasion...

It was a bar. The bar had shady looks with a grim atmosphere, it was the hideout for the League of Villains.

Shigaraki and some of his companions were planning the invasion to U.A.

"So Boss, what are we going to do?"

"I was questioning the same thing, chief."

"Shigaraki... Invading U.A. is very risky. Since the last invasion, they really could've upgraded the safety system."

"I know. But I'm still angry at that green-haired brat and his class... I have a plan too."

"A plan?"

"Yeah, I have been thinking... Shiki, can you use your quirk, real quick?"

"Um... Sure, but why?"

After he said that, Shigaraki's face started to grin in a very repulsive way.

Shiki's quirk is exhaling some kind of powder that induces sleep, and controlling it. But while controling it, he can't do much physical activities. You can do anything to the powder, but who will control it, is Shiki himself. Also, he can't be too far from the person he is controlling.

"What if you were to use your quirk in some kind of container, Toga infiltrates herself on U.A. as one of the cooks and use it in the green-haired boy?"

"Oh... It seems to be a good plan; the only issue is how am I going to keep controlling his sleep?"

"Professor gave me something a long time ago, as a backup plan in the case of him getting captured."

"I'm intrigued, Shigaraki."

"What is it?"

Blackmist was intrigued, because he never heard anything about it from Professor. He was his most-trusted person after all. As for Shiki, he was surprised, for he is the person with the most knowledge about his own Quirk.

Shigaraki then raised his hand and asked for the villains to wait; He stood up, and walked to a room. In that room (Where the rest of the villains couldn't see from their perspective), he opened a container, which was inside a box sitting on the corner of the room, hiding itself.

After he opened the container, he started to smile ear to ear, like a child that got a new toy on Christmas, though his was repugnant.

Then he took the object, and bring it with him to the main area of the bar.

"This is a device that Professor made. It allows me to absorb and utilize other quirks at my own and free will. Amazing, isn't it?"

"What? I know Professor's quirk, but how did he do it?"

Blackmist was even more intrigued now.

"He compressed here more than 100 types of Quirk Factors, so I can use basically any kind of quirk, as long as I absorb it."

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