Chapter 35: Houston Days 2 and 3 Part 2

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This chapter has like attempted rape and sexual assault. So please be advised before you read on. Thanks love! :) You can skip to the next chap after reading the first half if you wanna :) It will have a summary of the scene. You won't really miss much if you choose to skip!! The part will be indicated, so read until where you're comfortable! 

Turns out, our destination for the night was a club. Tensionx.

''A good friend opened a club last month. I've got access to the VIP section.'' He'd said. I rolled my eyes and tried not to stomp too hard as I followed after him. When we had placed our drink orders in the VIP room, I excused myself to go to the loo. The VIP area was a soundproofed one, overlooking the hectic dancefloor, so when I left it to go to the loo, I cringed at the obnoxiously loud pounding bass.

I had planned on leaving, halfway. Really, I did. Technically, all I had to do was meet him for the night, right? But, no, it wouldn't be that easy. An unexpected text message from Chester made me abort that plan.

Chester: Good evening, Hayden. Hope you are fine with Phil. He's just told me that he brought you to our friend, Johnathon's club. I've been meaning to give Tensionx a visit. Do let me know how it is. 



Hayden: Yes, will let you know. Thank you!

I banged my head on the toilet cubicle wall. I noted that I had some texts from the guys and Sandra, but I would read those later. Right now, I had an approval to get. I patted the small knife I had tucked into my other boot, for reassurance.

I stopped by the bar and got myself a gin and tonic before I headed back to the guarded VIP section. Phil was there with a skimpily dressed woman on his lap. He was openly touching her and running his fingers under her short skirt. She looked mightily uncomfortable but was faking her laughs as he whispered to her.

''Pleasure so soon, Philip?'' I interrupted, scowling.

''A little welcoming starter gift from the owner. Isn't she a pretty thing?'' He said, rubbing a wrinkled finger over her breasts. 

''I'm sure Chester will be displeased to know you chose the comfort of a lady over a business meeting? Let her go, Philip'' I warned

His stare turned glacial and he tightened his grip on the lady's breast. She whimpered. He ignored it. ''Indeed. Business before pleasure then, Hayden?'' He jerked his knee and she was roughly pushed off his lap. She stumbled a little and barely concealed her glare as he smacked her hard on the ass. 

''Now, Phil, I know you hate me. So, I need to know why you recommended me for this job.''

''Ah. Of course, I couldn't have you stay there in New York and continue to be a bad influence on the boys. I think, it is money that you're after, and I'm usually right. Chester's offering you much more than your present clients ever thought of paying you. Take the deal, Hayden. Move to Houston, it is your new home now.''

I stared at him aghast. 'W-what?''

He leaned back into the plush leather cushion and took a slow swig of his bourbon. ''I've ordered a Cosmo for you, hope you'll like it?'' He said nonchalantly. I ignored it.

''You can't expect me to uproot my life in New York just because you don't like me being around the boys?'' I sputtered. He smiled silkily over the rim of his glass. ''Yes, I can. And given the amazing pay you could only dream of getting elsewhere, I strongly advise you to take it. ''

''What if I don't?'' I challenged, incensed by his arrogance. 

''I'll find another way to get you out of the picture,'' I suppressed a shudder ''And, even if you manage to avoid that, I think you'll find it very very difficult to find a job. After all, who would want to hire someone blacklisted by Frankbridge? Don't go against me, girl. I've been in the Academy longer than you've been alive.This isn't a game you can win. Think carefully before giving your answer. Will you leave?''

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