Chapter 1: Humble Beginnings

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--Avengers Headquarters--

"Do you think it was a good decision to give Peter the suit?" Happy asked Tony, as they were walking down a hallway in the facility.

"Kid deserves it for taking care of my stuff. And here I thought adults were more responsible than teenagers." Tony joked, as Happy wasn't able to take care of the materials in the plane.

"You know, Tony, I'm not a hero like you guys. I'm just your personal assistant."

"And driver." Tony added. "Any meetings I will be attending this week?"

"I'll keep you updated if there will be anything." Happy said, as he opened Tony's car door.

"I'll be back in a week. Oh, and can you take care of Vision for me? He's been a little sad lately."

Tony drove his way out of the facility. He had been making a new house after his last one had been destroyed by choppers during Christmas. The Avengers have truly been cut in half, Rhodey has been resting from his injuries, Vision has been silent ever since the airplane flight, Natasha has gone rogue, and Steve was silent after their battle in Siberia.

"So, Mr. Stark made me take care of an android." Happy said sarcastically.


"Steve, can I get you anything?" T'challa asked.

"I'm fine, T'challa. I was about to leave anyway." Steve said as he stood, plastering on a fake smile.

"I know. We're trying to get Bucky back to normal again, but it's not an easy task."

"Alright, I'll just be roaming around the place."

Steve walked around the facility, still trying to get used to the Wakanda culture as well as admiring it. It's been 3 months since he dropped the shield. He would stay up all night, remembering that by dropping the shield, he was also dropping the name 'Captain America.' Thor had been busy studying about the so called "Infinity Stones" but no word surfaced from him yet. As well as Bruce, Steve would observe that Natasha would always get upset when she hears the word "Hulk" as she has not seen Bruce in ages. He checked on the others in their rooms.

"Scott, where are you going?" Steve asked when he saw Scott's bags packed on his bed.

"I've got to see my daughter. Sorry, but I really do." Scott said, putting more clothes in the bag.

"It's fine, but you do have to know you're on the wanted list of criminals."

"I know, the government really loves me." Scott said sarcastically.

--2 hours later--

"You take care. Remember, you can call us if you need help." Sam said.

"I know, I got your number in my phone." Scott said as they both laughed.

As soon as Scott left the facility, there was a rumbling in the facility. Steve and T'challa raced to the source of the rumbling within the facility.

"I think it came from Wanda's room." T'challa said.

"I'll go in by myself." Steve said.

Steve knocked on the door and entered the room. He saw everything was on the floor while Wanda was in the corner weeping. Steve hesitated if he was going to comfort her or not. Eventually, he went over to the corner and hugged her.

"Wanda, what's wrong?" Steve asked.

"I can't control my powers. Just look at my room, I'm a monster." Wanda said, continuously weeping.

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