Chapter 5: Sweet Sweet Music

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Tony grunted trying to stand up as he saw Hulk flew pass him. 'Adam' didn't take the easy way out and, instead, attacked them.

"Why the hell can't we resolve this in a peaceful manner?" Tony said.

"Got any better idea? Rocket, get to the ship and start it!" Quill shouted.

"On the way, boss." Rocket said, mocking Quill.

"I am Groot." Groot said.

"Yeah, yeah. We know that, Groot."

"If I get close to him, I can make him sleep." Mantis told Tony.

"Ok, new plan!" Tony shouted.

Strange backed his way up and walked closer to Tony and defending himself from debris.

"What is it?" Strange asked.

"Make him kneel so Mantis can make him sleep, and why can't you use the Stone?" Tony questioned.

"I don't have the power to control it."

"A little help?" Peter asked.

Thor and Hulk took the fight close to him striking blow after blow while Tony and Quill shot him from a distance. A few moments later, Drax joined the fight, stabbing while Peter helped by shooting his webs at him but Adam was metal, so the best they can do is create a distraction.

The plan seemed to work but Adam quickly pushed Thor, Drax and Peter off of him and focused on Hulk, "Now I'm angry!" Hulk shouted.

"Keep on distracting him, we almost got him." Tony said as he and Quill continued blasting Adam piece by piece.

"How many hits can this guy take?" Quill asked, getting frustrated.

Adam managed to throw debris at Tony which made him fall. Hulk got pinned by Adam and he positioned his hand to kill him. Before Adam could kill Hulk, Strange stopped him by using his powers holding him place.

"Let me go." Adam said to Strange.

"No, not on my watch. Mantis, do it." Strange commanded.

Mantis placed her hands on Adam's forehead which made him sleep.

"This will keep him sleeping for about a few hours." Mantis announced.

"Then we gotta go." Quill said as he landed on the ground.

"Yeah, we do, other Peter." Peter said.

"Where's the ship?" Tony said, wiping off some dust off his suit.

"Get in, jackasses." Rocket said, using the microphone in the ship.

Everyone got in and flew to find the Space Gem, Tony was very eager to see the rest of space. The ship of the Guardians really impressed Tony and Peter with it's immersive use of colours.

--1 hour later--

Tony explored the ship of the Guardians. He was surprised, as from the outside it was futuristic and in the ship itself was retro. He saw Quill listening to a record player or jukebox of some sorts.

"Hey, what's going on?" Tony asked.

"Oh, just listening to some music." Quill said, removing his earphones.

"Where'd you get the jukebox?"

"I built it and the tape was given from my mom."

"You know, when you get back to Earth, you might consider living there."

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