Chapter 7: The Fate

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--Avengers Headquarters--

"Speak of the devil, it's you." Tony said, looking at Steve.

"Looks like I get to see the man I've been wanting to talk to." Steve said.

"What have you been 'wanting to talk' about?"

"Well, looks like you have new friends."

"Yeah, people I can trust better than you."

"I've come here to talk, not to conduct an argument."

"About what?"

"Give us our lives back, and we'll help you search for the rest of the Infinity Stones."

"You could have done that, Steve, back when you had the choice to join the government."

"Well, you can obviously tell the answer."

"Steve, I feel like I heard that name before. Are you Captain America?" Quill asked.

"Used to be, and what's your name?"

"Peter Quill, I'm from Earth."

"You guys stay in the conference room while my 'guest' and I have a talk."

The Guardians went to the room while Steve went down the stairs to go face to face with Tony.

"What do you want, jackass?" Tony demanded.

"Still the same, Tony." Steve said, chuckling.

"Cut to the chase, Steve."

"I just want my friends and I to have freedom, and we won't interfere in any government activities."

"So you brought your 'family' here with you."

"Technically, they're your family too."

"My family is on the blood of your friend."

"Can we just pass that moment? If you kill him, it won't mean anything."

"Hey, Steve, who are you talking to?" Bucky said.

A part of Tony's suit flew to him and attached to his hand, it turned into his hand blasters and pointed it to Bucky.

"There you are, you son of a bitch." Tony said.

Steve pushed Tony's hand and prevented him from pointing it to Bucky. Steve tried his best but Tony nudged him to the side and powered his blaster. Tony's hand then pointed into the sky as soon as he shot his blasters.

"Don't kill him." Wanda said.

"What do you want?" Tony said, grunting trying to pull his hand down.

"We want peace. Now give it to us and we won't harm anyone."

"Fine, let go of my hand now."

Tony's armor on his hand flew back to his suit and walked down the stairs.

"Call all of them, we're gonna talk in the meeting room." Tony said.

Steve, Bucky and Wanda called the others who were having their lunch upstairs. They were sort of nervous to see Tony, whether he'll kill them or not. Natasha is not in the mood to see Tony, considering she herself went into hiding. They reached to the door of the meeting room and Steve held the handle.

"You guys ready?"

Everyone nodded and Steve opened the door to a long table and most of the chairs filled.

"Glad you could join us, Mr. Rogers." Fury said.

"Nick?" Steve said, confused.

"In my own flesh and blood."

They all took a seat while Tony was adjacent to Steve's seat.

"Would you look at this? The Avengers sitting with the.. who are you people again?" Fury asked.

"C'mon, man. We're the Guardians of the Galaxy." Quill said, getting frustrated at the fact that nobody on Earth knew them.

"Yes. You may know that, 9 years ago, I proposed the Avengers Initiative to Stark which was supposed to defend the Earth from big threats."

Steve was having a hard time focusing on Nick since he was looking at Tony.

"I had the privilege to command the first Avengers team. I was happy that a group of jackasses actually saved the world. After that, I went underground, after I faked my death." Fury continued.

"Excuse me, I'll be using the restroom." Strange quietly said.

"But the world is in danger, the world is on the verge of death. Now, it's up to you guys to sa-" a bullet pass through the window of the meeting room, hitting Fury.

Steve went to Nick while the others stood in the shock.

"Someone get a medic!" Tony shouted.

"This better not be one of your tricks, Fury." Steve said.

"Nope, this is where I'll be paying my mistakes." Fury said, as his words become more faint.

--8 hours later--

They made a little funeral in the meeting room of the facility. Everyone went around Fury to share they farewells, except for the Guardians since they weren't close. After a few minutes, Steve went up to the Guardians who were in the corner.

"Must have been a great guy." Quill said.

"Great commander and a father figure." Steve said.

"By the way, you never told me your backstory."

"Well, I was dead for a few decades."

"The whole story."

"Fine, so I was in a mission..." Steve told his backstory until it was time for lights out.

Steve thought of the two things- who would do such a thing to Fury and what was the future of the Avengers. It felt like one of those Wakanda nights, where he could not sleep for the entire night because of thoughts.

--The next morning--

Steve saw Peter getting ready to go back to Queens to see her aunt. Everyone gathered in the cafeteria to eat breakfast. He observed when he sat down, the Guardians getting to eat Earth food for the first time.

"These are bacon and eggs, right?" Quill asked.

"Yeah, they are." Clint said.

"Do we have to introduce again?" Rocket said.

"A racoon?" Wanda asked.

"I'm starting to hate being an animal."

"Then who wants to start?" Tony asked.

"I'll start so we can get the flow of this, so I'm Scott Lang and I live..." Scott said.

Steve carefully observe what they say so he can get to know the Guardians better. After breakfast, Steve saw Tony standing on the balcony, looking at the fields.

"They're beautiful, aren't they?" Steve asked, looking at the fields.

"Gets boring if you get used to them." Tony asked.

"What is next for the Avengers?"

"We wait for an invasion."

"An invasion?"

"The Guardians said that there is a person in the universe who wants the stone, and they're coming to Earth to get the rest of the stones."

"Isn't the Mind stone with Vision?"

"Time stone is with Strange, and the Power stone is in the ship of the Guardians."

They then saw a black ship approaching from above the sky.

"I'll get the Avengers." Steve said.

"I'll get the Guardians." Tony said.

Both of them ran in different directions to call the others in the approach of an enemy.

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