Chapter 15: Back to NYC

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"What will we do now?" Luke asked.

"I cannot teleport as of now, I am currently 'recharging.'" Cloak said.

"We have to get out of here. Scott, how are we doing outside?" Steve asked through the comms.

"They're inside the building, some of them got in!" Scott shouted through the comms.

The group went outside the vault and saw a group of Skrulls running at them.

"How are we doing this?" Murdock asked.

"We work together. Luke and Jessica, go on front." Steve said.

"You ready?" Jessica asked.

"Let's do this." Luke said, taking out some Skrulls.

"Steve, a little help over here."

Steve and Bucky helped Jessica take out some Skrulls around her. They pushed up the stairwelll and into the main lobby. The lobby was completely overrun by Skrulls as T'challa's army were outnumbered.

"I think all of them got in, not some." Murdock said.

"Why are you guys here?" Danny asked.

"Came here just to help you guys out. We brought Cloak with us." Luke said.

"Steve, we have more Skrulls coming in. My army cannot hold them off, how are the stones?" T'challa said.

"Wanda took them." Steve said.

"That is very bad. Now Thanos will have the power to everything in the universe." Natasha said.

"Let's just hope that they're holding up against Thanos." Steve said, fighting through the Skrulls.

"Keep on moving them out of the building and we'll have an easier time."  Murdock said.

Suddenly, Jessica got hit to the side which made Luke go over to here.

"Guys, there's a big guy." Scott said, pointing at the large Skrull.

"We got this. We got this, right?" Sam said.

"Danny?" Steve asked.

"Let's try it. You distract him then I'll do it." Danny said.

So they distracted him, Sam shot him with his weapons as well as Bucky. Murdock and Steve ran around him to distract him.

"Danny, do it!" Murdock shouted.

Danny hit the large Skrull into the side of the lobby. He fell through the wall of the building and out in the jungle, leaving a big whole in the building.

"How long will that take to repair?" T'challa said.

"Is she ok now?" Steve asked, as Luke helped Jessica walk.

"Yeah, she's ok but she feels a little dizzy." Luke said.

"Guys, the Skrulls are leaving." Scott said, as the ships left the mountain.

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