Chapter 18: End of the Road

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--Asteroid, Somewhere in

"Here we are. Still stuck." Rocket said.

"Rocket, shut the hell up." Quill said.

"What? Aren't you bored? Because we've been stuck like this for 2 days."

"I'm just glad we're not starving."

After a while, a man in silver came up walking through the steps of Thanos's home. The man bowed down to Thanos in an instant.

"Why have you come here, Silver Surfer?" Thanos asked.

"I have come here to bow down, to my new master." Silver Surfer said.

"Was Galactus not good enough?"

"He was a very powerful master, but not as powerful as you."

"Well, you are welcomed to join us as we take control of the universe."

Suddenly, a coat of black appeared and heroes came out of it.

"About time you knuckleheads showed up." Rocket said.

"We had some delay, but we're here now." Steve said.

"Pietro?" Tony questioned, as he saw the new crew of Thanos.

"I'm here in the flesh." Pietro said.

"Don't you want to join us? We can save the universe, together."

"Don't listen to them, they're trying to make us join them." Wanda said.

"We just want you to join the good side."

Everyone then got into the ground as Wanda made them kneel.

"Great plan, but now you will join us into this position." Quill said.

"It's ok," Tony started, as he struggled to get out of the magic. "We came prepared."

Wanda and Pietro could suddenly hear voices in their heads, "Listen to me, you shall help the Avengers take on Thanos."

"Get this thing out of me!" Wanda shouted, removing the heroes out of the magic.

"Finally, we're back on our feet." Strange said.

"How did you make her to let us go?" Gamora asked.

"We asked a man named Charles Xavier to get into her mind, since she's a mutant." Steve said.

"I'll help you breathe." Strange said, as he made a huge bubble around the place.

"Now, let's kick this guy's ass." Quill said.

The Guardians rushed Thanos as he used his gauntlet to hold them back. Quill and Rocket used their weapons to focus at Silver Surfer. He used his beam to take on the Avengers but he was getting overwhelmed.

"Master, give me the Mind Stone and I shall have more power." Silver Surfer said.

"How do I know if I can trust you?" Thanos said, taking out Groot and Rhodey.

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