Chapter 19: Return of a Hero

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--Thanos's Land--

"Why would you do that?" Bucky stressed.

"Because everyone should learn a lesson. Now, Earth shall be overrun by Skrulls and the whole universe will bow down to me- the Mad Titan."

Tony looked at Natasha, who looked depressed as she saw Bruce with blood coming out of his mouth.

"It's alright, everybody is depressed right now." Rhodey said.

"It's alright?! We just saw our friends murdered by this monster." Natasha shouted.

"Everyone likes to use the word monster against me. Why would you use that word?" Thanos asked.

"Because you killed a lot of people today." Strange said, matter-of-factly.

"And there's going to be so much more."

"Great now we are stuck here, again." Rocket said.

"I am Groot." Groot said.

"It's alright, you won't be stuck here for long." Silver Surfer said.

Suddenly, a barrage of thunder struck around the land. Thor appeared as he walked with a helmet.

"Miss me?" Thor asked.

"We could've missed you if you came a lot sooner." Tony said.

Wanda tried to make Thor kneel but the hammer was too heavy.

"I cannot make him kneel, Master." Wanda said.

"Silver Surfer, you have the Mind stone right? Use it against the Asgardian God." Thanos said.

"Indeed, I will." Silver Surfer said, as he slowly turned into Loki.

"Brilliant, he can't take over the universe if he is missing one stone."

"But, I still have power." Thanos said striking Thor with the Power stone.

Thor was quick to react by using his hammer to dodge it.

"I've come prepared." Thor said, using his hammer to strike Thanos with lightning.

Wanda started to hear voices again which let everyone go once more.

"Guys, it's now or never, if he stops us again we're done." Quill said.

They all attacked Thanos at once and it seemed to be working. Tony was really hitting hard, after all the casualties he had caused. After a while, Thanos managed to hit Rhodey in the head, thus knocking him out.

"Rhodey! What the hell." Tony said, as everyone looked at him.

Thanos seized the oppurtunity to strike them all at once. Everyone flew back as Thanos grabbed Rhodey.

"You care for this one as well, shame he will be going to see Dormammu." Thanos said, opening a portal to which Strange remembers.

"He cannot come back." Strange said. "By the time we come back for him, Dormammu has already taken his soul."

"I swear, I'm going to beat this guy's ass and send it to hell." Tony said, charging at Thanos.

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