Chapter 9: A Life for Another

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--Streets of New York--

Steve had crashed the armoured van onto a building, since there were many Skrulls running through the streets. You can see the destruction from a distance, the buildings on fire. Steve grunted as he got out of the van.

"Is this the street?" Steve said, looking around.

"I would say we're 100 meters away." Wanda estimated.

"This is battle of New York all over again." Clint said, getting some arrows from his back.

"Over there, more of those alien guys coming." Scott said.

The group moved further into the city, taking out any Skrulls in the way. It was easy since Wanda was with them, she created a shield when they were getting attacked. Police were in the scene to get the civilians away from the fight. They finally reached the house of Strange, but they saw a group outside fighting some Skrulls.

"Who are they?" Clint said, shooting at some of the Skrulls.

"I think I saw those guys on TV." Steve said, moving near them.

They joined the fight with the mysterious group, as they cleared out the rest of the Skrulls.

"That's most of them, but only within the area." Sam said, looking around.

"That's some nice work, Captain America." Murdock said.

"I'm not that guy anymore." Steve said.

"I've been through that before, but it will always go creeping back."

"We got some more coming from the alleys." Luke said.

"We'll go inside. We have to meet someone."

"We got your back. Besides, most of them are coming here." Danny said.

"Why are they going this way?" Jessica asked, curious.

"Because they want something inside the house." Natasha said.

"Here they come. Get inside."

"I'll be eyes in the skies again, I guess." Sam said, as he flew up in the air.

The 'Avengers' went inside the building and you could tell it was a very ancient building. It was very silent, as they saw Skrulls trying to open the doors of the Sanctum.

"Um... Steve?" Sam said, through the comms.

"What is it?" Steve asked.

"There's a lot of alien guys trying to enter the building from the top of the building, but the guys outside are holding up well."

"Keep them busy. We might be here for a while."

"I can do that."

--Avengers Headquarters--

"All these guys have are junk." Rocket said, inspecting the bodies of the Skrulls.

"Well, these guys have different weapons and stuff." Quill said, looking at the wreckage.

"They made a huge mess, the building even got damaged." Tony said.

Bruce had turned back into human, after his rampage as the Hulk. He sat down on the ground and leaned on some of the broken parts of the ship that released the Skrulls.

"You ok?" Tony inquired.

"Yeah, just a bit tired after the fight, but other than that, had the time of my life." Bruce said.

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