Dan and Phil

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"This is the house!"

Phil says to Dan. Dan is trying his best to hide his inner fangirl as he sees the house of the person he has been watching for ages. Phil unlocks the door and steps inside.

"Mum! Dad! Dan's here!"

Phil calls. Two middle-aged figures come walking out of the kitchen and shake Dan's hand.

"Hello, we're Mrs and Mr Lester."

Mrs. Lester smile. Dan shakes her hand awkwardly and smiles.

"Would you like anything?"

Mr.Lester asks.

"No thank you."

Dan replies.

There's awkward silence for a minute until Dan's phone buzzes in his pocket. He goes bright red and takes out his phone.

"Sorry my mum's probably worried about me."

He laughs and checks the text. He was right, it was his mum. He replied with 'I'm okay' and clicks off his messages. Phil is talking to his dad about something so Dan decides to check his twitter.

'Please connect to the internet' the screen reads.

"Hey Phil what's the password for your wifi?" Dan asked suddenly. Mr and Mrs Lester look up at h and laugh. Dan goes bright red and looks at the floor.

"It's fine Dan. No need to be embarrassed." Phil smiles. He tells him the password and things seem to get less awkward.

(Later in Phil's bedroom)

"Thanks for that Phil" Dan laughs as he plops himself down on Phil's bed. He couldn't believe he was here, in his idols bedroom.

"It's fine." Phil smiles, and sits next to Dan. They spend the rest of the day getting to know each other and when Dan goes home the next afternoon, he's proud to be the new best friend of Phillip Lester.


I did not come up with this myself I got it off someone on twitter. So credit to them!

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