We may be

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We may be a generation of depression, anxiety and eating disorders.

We may be looked down upon as failures, as hooded teenagers and we may be thought of as nothing,

But Harry thought us bravery and courage and a love that never dies.

Sherlock thought us to question and think and always wonder.

John thought us loyalty beyond promises and words.

The Doctor showed us that no matter how lonely you feel, no matter how many times you are broken, there is always hope.

And we may be a generation that believes in magic, that would jump into a box with a mad man given half the chance, that would give, or take, a bullet for someone we love... we may be a generation that could be called crazy or useless.

But you can never tell us that we are not important.

Because in all of time and space, there is not one of us that is not important.

We always count.


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