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Elizabeth - @/lizsotobeth11
Brandon - @/brandon_arreaga

Brandon's dms will be on the left and in bold

I was going to meet Brandon today and for once I wasn't nervous or scared or anything but numb.

I knew it was the pills that I took earlier, and the only thing I wanted to feel tonight was happiness and even that feeling was beyond me.

We're supposed to meet at a small coffee shop in L.A in around two hours. The pills should wear off before that but I honestly don't know anymore.

I was already dressed and ready and was about to head out since it would take me around 90 minutes to get there.

I ran downstairs with my bag and my phone in my hand not even pausing at the mirror to see how I looked. I knew that If I even took a glance, I wouldn't like what I saw.

I was putting on my sneakers when a car pulled up to the driveway.

Frazier couldn't drive yet and the only other person in my entire family with their licence is me. Charlotte never learned how to drive and Adrianna always had her friends to drive her.

A door slammed outside and I recognized the sound of the foot steps making their way onto our veranda before the front door to our two story house opened.

It was my parents.

It didn't even feel right to call them that since they were never there but that's what they were.

As soon as the door opened my mother completely ignored me and strutted right into the kitchen.

My father looked over at me and closed the door before he went and kissed me on the cheek and joined my mother.

They were numb just like I was. In pain but didn't want to show it like Frazier and heartbroken like Charlotte.

But I was use to it.

We all were.

And I could feel myself start to smile as I got into my car and started to drive away.

I'm gonna meet Brandon and this time nothing is gonna stop me.


*me doesn't update for days and comes back with a extremely short chapter*


I didn't have good wifi for a few days and I was also reading some good ass books so i apologize.

Plus I didn't even have a plan for how I wanted this story to play out.





xoxo Janai

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