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Elizabeth - @/lizsotobeth11
Brandon - @/brandon_arreaga

Brandon's dms will be on the left and in bold

unblock @/brandon_arreaga

1 New Message From Liza Beanz

You got me a cardboard cutout of yourself?
4:41 pm seen

I mean I'm not complaining it's just kinda creepy how it looks exactly like you and it won't stop saying "surprise, surprise!"
4:42 pm seen

You don't like it? :(
4:42 pm seen

No! I do. I swear
4:42 pm seen

I just thought that when you told me to open my door, it would be you standing there
4:43 pm seen

I wish I was there
4:44 pm seen

I'm sorry I shouldn't of said that, I know you're busy
4:44 pm seen

No, it's not okay Liz. You're my girlfriend and I barely get to see you
4:44 pm seen

I swear that's gonna change
4:45 pm seen

Let me talk to management and see what I can do
4:45 pm seen

I love you Elizabeth Rose Soto and it's about time I started to show it
4:46 pm seen

I love you too Brandon Michael Arreaga
4:46 pm seen


I sneezed while writing the last few sentences and forgot what I wanted to write

yay me

stay playing

xoxo Janai

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