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Elizabeth - @/lizsotobeth11
Brandon - @/brandon_arreaga

Brandon's dms will be on the left and in bold

twitter news @/newsaccount
Pop Star Brandon Arreaga was seen out with Elizabeth Soto, photo credits to random fangirl @/randomtwitteruser1

random fangirl @/randomtwitteruser1
one day brandon and i are gonna get married

random fangirl @/randomtwitteruser1
i love brandon so much

random fangirl @/randomtwitteruser1
that girl that brandon is dating is honestly a bitch

random fangirl @/randomtwitteruser1
i don't understand what brandon sees in her

random fangirl @/randomtwitteruser1
brandon deserves so much better than that piece of trash he's dating

Mrs Honoret @/edwinfanaccount
@/lizsotobeth11 hey um ur getting a lot of hate from random fangirl...just thought you should know since you don't follow her

unblock @/randomtwitteruser1

Liza Beanz @/lizsotobeth11
@/randomtwitteruser1 I find it funny how you hate me so much that you seem to dedicate almost all your tweets saying that you don't like me and that brandon deserves better

Liza Beanz @/lizsotobeth11
@/randomtwitteruser1 but tell me one thing, if brandon deserves better, does he deserve someone like you who constantly bullies the people they don't like

Liza Beanz @/lizsotobeth11
@/randomtwitteruser1 if you say that i'm not good enough to date brandon, then how are you any better than I am?


good news guys, my mom got me more lemonade

so im goochie rn but what about y'all?

how are you guys today?

ima be like dora and pretend y'all answered me


i'm in a car rn waiting on my mom to get lemonade:)


stay waiting

xoxo Janai

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