Chapter 7: It's Time

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Zach: It's time to face the music and do something with our lives! *sighs* wow college (says in shock)
Violet: The only person that's still ain't really doing nothing is you babe!
Zach: That's not funny bruh! (side eye)
Violet: I know I'm a serious person but uhm take a joke. *pats Zach on the back*
Zach: *tries to hold in his live*
Tate: What's on your mind?
Melanie: That old hag wanna say I *clears throat* quote unquote corrupted you that was all you!
Tate: What you mean?
Melanie: *starts rubbing her stomach* I'm saying you was doing some things to me that I never knew existed *winks*
Zach and Violet: EWWWW!
Tate: *blushes*
                             *moment of silence*
Violet: We start college tomorrow *sighs* and I have yet to pack! *a louder sigh*
Tate: Omg Vi always doing everything last minute! (says annoyed)
              *they all laugh as they go back inside*
Mrs. Jenkins: Hey Mela- (gets cut off)
Melanie: Save it! (Says hurt) aren't you tired of being bitter?
Zach: Cuz chill she might actually be apologizing *chews piece of chicken from the refrigerator*
Mrs. Jenkins: *looks at Zach for a while* PUT IT BACK!
Zach: *licking crumbs off his mouth* Sorry my bad *closes door with foot*
Melanie: *rolls eyes* Fine say what you have to say Ms. joint-locked. (Says with urgency)
         *Violet and Tate peep from the hallway*
Tate: *whispers* What do you think is about to happen?
Violet: I don't know just shut up and watch!
Tate: I-
Violet *whispers loudly* JUST SHUT UP!
Zach: *walks over to Tate and Violet* Having fun?
                 *Back To Melanie and Mrs. Jenkins*
Mrs. Jenkins: It's time that I let my fairs down I've be- (gets cut off)
Melanie: Ya think? *tilts neck*
Mrs. Jenkins: No-no, let me finish please *holds in emotion*
Melanie: Fine!
Mrs. Jenkins: I've been a real pain in the a** and for some vendetta I had towards your mother when we were in high-school! That hasn't solved anything cause I just know it's not your fault that has absolutely nothing to do with you! (Says with positivity)
Melanie: Oh wow! (Says shocked) Why do I feel the need to hug you right now 🤔?
Mrs. Jenkins: you can but not just yet! But if it makes you happy I'm glad you're the mother of my soon to be grandchild and possibly my one day daughter-in-law? *shrugs shoulders and reaches for a hug*
Melanie: *wipes tear* omg Ms. J, I never knew you had the bones in your body to feel that way!
             *Tate,Violet, and Zach all join the hug*
Mrs. Jenkins: it's time to let go!
Zach: It's time to get an education!
Tate: it's time to be a man!
Violet: It's time to explore!
Melanie: It's time for life's trials and errors!

We All Good: College EditionWhere stories live. Discover now