Chapter 8: On The Road

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Zach: I'm Driving!
Violet: Umm hell no, I think not!
Tate: I volunteer as tribute *mumbles "as usual"*
Melanie: *raises hand* I'll get in the back with Vi!
Violet: *folds arms* You say it like it's a bad thing!
Melanie: You words not mine babe!
Zach: I already got the snacks! And your pickle, chips, and ice Mel *takes bite of the pickle*
Melanie: You fat b****! *snatches pickle* always eating and sh*t!
Tate: Y'all got everything y'all need cause I'm not turning around letting y'all know now!
Zach: Wait hold on I gotta take a dump *runs back in the house*
Violet,Tate,Melanie: OMG! This why we be late now!
Zach: Alright y'all false alarm I just had to fart *waves hands back and forth*
Melanie: Honestly Vi what do you see in him?
Violet: *shrugs shoulders*
                            *All hop in the car*
Tate: *starts engine* Before I pull off does anyone have to pee? Mel?
Melanie: *lays hand on stomach* I'm pregnant I always have to pee! *looks out the window*
                                 *Tate pulls off*
Violet: Can I lay on you?
Melanie: Don't you have a whole a** pillow?
Violet: You built like a pillow! *changes position on Mel*
Zach: Can you stop right quick I gotta pee! *holds crotch*
Tate: Didn't I say I'm not stopping here use this bot...nvm I'm not tryna see your peter wacker!
Zach: That's not what your sister said!
Violet: 😳
Melanie: Eww Violet you freak!
Tate: Nasty a** *pulls over* hurry up!
Zach: Thanks you're a lifesaver! *gets back in the car* here want a life saver?
Tate: *hands Zach the hand sanitizer* nah I'm good!
Zach: Welp!
Melanie: Aye babe can you stop right quick I'm hungry!
Tate: there's food in the back!
Melanie: *voice raises* I said "Aye babe can you stop right quick I'm hungry!"
Tate: Omg damn can we just enjoy the ride DAMN!
Melanie: Don't get mad at me cause you knocked me up like a dude making beats in class!
Violet: *chuckles*
Tate: *sighs* Aight we here what you want?! (says with aggravation)
Melanie: Give me a smoothie, bacon sandwich extra bacon extra pickles! Large fry! And some onions rings!
Zach: I know I like to eat but damn! I can see the future and I SEE A TREADMILL *laughs loudly*
Tate: *tries to hold in laugh*
Melanie: TATE? I know you not laughing!
Tate: *clears throat* no I just felt a lil tickle!
Violet: Boy 😂
                               *All laugh*

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