Chapter 19: Wedding Belles

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Violet and Melanie: These dresses are really beautiful! (Says while constantly rubbing the fabric)
Melanie: *trying not to cry* Yes they are really beautiful, we look good in purple Vi!
Mrs. Jenkins: *smiling* Well I'm glad y'all like them, wait till you see the grooms. (Says happy)
Violet: This is the time I've seen you happy in some years, you good?
Mrs. Jenkins: I'm smiling and you asked me if I'm good? Well... *takes a dramatic pause* well I always wanted to design, and seeing y'all reactions to something I made means a lot to me. *wipes a tear*
Violet and Melanie: *both give Mrs. Jenkins a hug*
Well you guys go out there and go make a life decision you may or not regret.
Violet and Melanie: 😐
Mrs. Jenkins: *playing "Let's Get Married" By: Jagged Edge, through her phone*
Violet: *whispers to Melanie* This is so ratchet.
Melanie: My kind of party. *says smiling*
Violet: Oh my god. (Says chuckling)
Melanie and Violet: *gasp and start crying* y'all look so handsome! (Says squealing)
Violet: Zach you clean up so well!
Melanie: You got a haircut! *rubbing Tate's head*
Zach: Those violets really compliment your dress! (Says with his voice cracking)
Tate: I'm shocked!
Melanie: (Says concerned) Why?
Tate: I always seen pink as your color, but purple is nice on you too! *smiling*
Melanie: *trying to hold her tears* Thanks, you always make me smile, even in the weirdest situations!
Violet: Zach.
Zach: Yes, babe?
Violet: It's funny how we haven't been paying attention to the months.
Zach: What are you getting at?
Violet: It's March and I'm pregnant! (Says with tears of joy)
Zach: Oh wow! *hugs Violet real tight*
Mr. Jenkins: Looks like you guys said all what you have to say, you may kiss the bride!
Tate: Kisses his bride.
Zach: Kisses his bride.
Mr. Jenkins: Y'all still paying me,right?
Melanie: We are so ghetto, we really got married in a living room. *laughs*
VTMZ: *all laugh*

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