Chapter 17: Home Sweet Home

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Tate: Okay we're here, start unloading.
Melanie: Uhm I think that's how arriving home goes!
Tate: You've been real disrespectful.
Melanie: You've been acting real stupid.
Violet: Please not right now, it's supposed be a somewhat surprise that we're back, good grief!
Melanie: Vi hush this don't concern you!
Violet: *takes a long pause* Melanie not right now please, I know you pregnant and you're hormones acting confused, but imma need you to not let them get confused with me please and thank you.
Tate and Zach: Oh wow.
Zach: I'm shocked.
Melanie: Okay you win. *continues to unload*
Violet: Tate do you have the key? It's too much trying to dig through stuff right now.
Tate: Alright cause I see you a lil on edge.
Violet: I'M NOT ON EDGE, *sighs* I'm just tired of you and Mel arguing bout dumb stuff!
Zach: It is kind've annoying.
Tate: We're a couple, that's what we do.
Violet and Zach: "We're a couple, that's what we do!" (They both said in a mimicking tone)
Melanie and Tate: God I hate y'all!
Violet and Zach: Awe.
Violet: Okay enough of that, Tate give me the keys you're taking entirely to long.
Tate: *reaches into his pocket* Here you little brat.
Violet: Thank you! *walks to the house*
Zach: We are so dysfunctional. *follows Violet with the rest of the stuff*
Violet: WE'RE BACK! (She said in a singing tone)
Mrs. Jenkins: *walking out sleepily from her room in the back* Why are you yelling, and why are y'all back? (Says sleepily)
Violet: It's nice to see you too, and plus too much was going on.
Mrs: Jenkins: Like what? Cause y'all need to get your own apartment. (Says with frustration) Anyway where's your brother and that girl?
Violet: Zach and them are outside.
Mrs: Jenkins: Ugh okay goodnight! *goes back to room and slams door*
Violet: Oh okay goodnight and love you too. (Says with an attitude)

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