Bonus Chapter: Where's The Manual (Zach)

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Violet: Okay Zach I gotta go, remember to change the twins diaper, feed them, then burp them, then put them to sleep, you got that? Okay good. (Violet said proceeding to go out the door)

Zach: Of course I got this, this is like a walk in the park! (He said put his hands on his hips sighing)

Walking to the girls nursery he sees Zaria trying to get out her crib almost about to fall Zach caught her in the nick of time.

Zach: Oh my god! Zaria, you almost fell, you can't be doing that! (He said in relief)

Vivian started to cry Zach gently puts Zaria back her crib to tend his other daughter.

Zach: Awe man okay you must be hungry but first let me change your diaper.

Zaria started to cry he turns around to see her back on the floor.

Zach: ZARIA! I told you stop climbing out your crib!

After Zach finished changing Vivian's diaper, feeding and burping her he finally put her to sleep. Zaria on the other hand he taped to the wall and gave her bottle.

Zach: Where's the manual for this foolishness.

Zach hears the door knob rattling he quickly starts to panic.

Violet comes in placing the groceries and sees Zaria.


Zach: Yes my beloved?

Violet: Why the hell is our daughter taped to the door and the other one sound asleep, I had it planned so they both could be on the same time.

Zach: Well I'm sorry, Zaria kept falling out the damn crib and all Vivian needed was to be cleaned and fed, they may be identical but they are two different people, Zaria just needs attention and if you just give Vivian what she wants she'll be about her business. (He said letting out stress)

Violet: Phew 😅


Violet: See you learned your lesson, I told you there wasn't any manual.

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