Chapter 12: The Gun Shot Heard Around The World Pt. 2

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Tate: *loud breathing* Lil sis! WAKE UP BRUH!
Zach: OMG BAE! I NEED YOU *voice cracks*
Michael: *drops gun* I'm calling an ambulance this is all my fault!
Melanie: *slaps Michael* You're damn right! And if she dies I'll make it my business to have you killed too! Matter a fact *picks up gun* Let's make that happen right now!
Tate and Zach: NOOOOO!
Michael: *puts hands up in fear* *then puts them down* You're bluffing, you ain't gone do sh-
Melanie: *shoots Michael's foot* Warning shot!
Michael: OH! YOU BIT-
Melanie: *shoots other foot*
Tate: Wait I feel a pulse! She's gonna be okay
Violet: *coughing* are the ambulance on their way!
MTZ: Yes Vi just hang on!
Violet: Does it look like I have a choice *slightly smiles* I love y'all!
MTZ: We love you too!
*ambulance comes*
Ambulance 1: Okay put her here hurry hurry! Friends family?
MTZ: Both!
Ambulance 2: Alright hop in! Hurry hurry!
*They exit Mr. Daniels and Ms. Lisa enters*
Lisa/Daniels: MICHAEL!
Ms. Lisa: Oh my god are you okay?
Michael: No but I will be? Just take me to jail!
Mr.Daniels: Why would we do that? Carmichael!
Michael: CAUSE I COULD BE THE CAUSE OF SOMEONE'S LIFE OKAY! *voice gets lower* I had a gun on campus. 😪
Ms. Lisa: Oh wow, say no more!
Mr.Daniels: Unacceptable! I'm calling the cops and those 4 kids families so they can know what's going on!
Ms. Lisa: I'll go to the hospital! I wanna know if they're okay.
Mr. Daniels: Fine by me!
Michael: Man why me! Just why?
Mr. Daniels: Maybe you could figure that answer out in jail!
*goes to the hospital*
"The Waiting Room"
Doctor Ross: Family of Violet Rose Jenkins?
MTZ: *raises out of sit* That's us!
Melanie: Is she okay?
Doctor Ross: She is but...
Tate and Zach: But what?
Doctor Ross: But the baby isn't... I'm sorry!
Zach: The baby?
Doctor Ross: Are you the father?
Zach: *scratches head* I would hope so!
Doctor Ross: Are you the boyfriend?
Zach: That should've gotten her pregnant, yes!
Melanie and Tate: *face palm and shakes head*
Ross: *whispers* Oh boy! Just come with me!
*Ross and Zach exit*
Tate: Did you know she was pregnant?
Melanie: She just told me before this whole thing happened!
Tate: So you're new to this too?
Melanie: *sighs* Basically!
*goes to Violet's room*
Violet: *struggles to speak* Hey... babe.
Zach: I didn't know you were pregnant!
Violet: Of.... course.. you... didn't.
Zach: *sits on bed* well why didn't you tell me?
Violet:... Cause.. I... just.. found out on... the way.. coming. *coughs*
Zach: So you didn't even have a chance to develop a relationship with the baby?
Violet: *sighs/coughs* Nope!
Zach: Are you alright though?
Violet: It hurts but I'm not angry if that's what you mean?
Zach: Well that's good *kisses forehead* well I'm gonna let your brother come on in!
Violet: kk... love you Zachary!
Zach: Love you too! *leaves out cracking the door*
Tate: *creeps in* Hey ugly!
Violet: *smiles* Hey T!
Tate: Mom and nem should be here tomorrow!
Violet: Well that's good? How are you?
Tate: You're in a hospital bed and you're asking me how I'm doing?
Violet: Well I know my brother! We may fuss and fight or just may not speak at all cause we're caught up with our own lives but you're going through it harder than me!
Tate: Oh really why is that?
Violet: 1. You almost lost your little sister 2. You feel bad that I lost my child while you still have yours, am I right?
Tate: *kisses forehead* I love you!
Violet: I know you do, I mean who doesn't? *chuckles*
Violet and Tate: *both laugh*
*Goes to Melanie and Zach*
Melanie: *sits down by Zach* You Alright LeRoy?
Zach: You know I hate my middle name!
Melanie: Yeah but back to my question. (Says in a sassy tone)
Zach: I guess so, maybe I don't know? *sighs*
Melanie: Well cousin it's alright not to be alright if you aren't, you know that right? (Says in a checking concerned voice)
Zach: Mhmm- hmmm, I can't answer that but all I know is that I will because I may have lost my firstborn but I still have y'all three!
Melanie: That's the spirit! *kisses cheek* love you LeRoy!
Zach: Love you too Christina!
Melanie: Touché! But imma go check on Vi!
*Ms. Lisa enters*
Ms. Lisa: HEY! WAIT! *gets close to Melanie* Just the person I was looking for! (Says in relief and out of breath)
Melanie: *looks around confused* Okay and why?
Ms. Lisa: I just wanted to apologize about the first time we met! I thought about it!
Melanie: Okay, I'm listening (says intrigued)
Ms. Lisa: I wanted to say I didn't mean it like that I just see myself in you I might be perky but it took a long way to get her but here look *shows picture of a pregnant woman*
Melanie: Oh my good if you're here to be rude my best friend just got shot and I just lost my lil cousin/ niece or nephew! (Says in a angry anxious tone)
Ms. Lisa: No Mel! That's me about your age. I was young and I was just starting college on my own and I just wanted to say that, single or not you can do it, it's not easy you have every right to be scared but don't let fear get in the way of you being a the great,intelligent, and beautiful woman you are becoming to be!
Melanie: *starts crying* OH MY GOD I NEEDED THAT! *gives Lisa a hug*

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