Chapter 13: Mini Highschool Reunion

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Dr. Ross: *knock knock* Your parents are here.
Violet: Parents? (Says shocked)
Dr. Yes both!
Mr. Jenkins: Hey sweetums! (says with concerned excitement)
Violet: Hey Mom, you look lovely today, well always!
Mrs. Jenkins *puts hair behind ear* Well why thank you! *perks up*
Mr. Jenkins: Come on Vi I'm still your dad!
Violet: Yes but you're always gone so I don't even have that relationship I have with you any more. *voice cracks*
Mr. Jenkins: Well I have another job so it's never too late! They let me get as many days as I want off only if it's reasonable of course.
Violet: Well that makes me feel a lot better then. *starts playing with fingers*
Tate: *comes in* OOP dad? What are you doing here are my eyes deceiving me!
Mr. Jenkins: I miss you too!
Mrs. Jenkins: Tell him the heartbreaking news boy!
Mr. Jenkins: News? What news? (Says confused)
Tate: Huh? Oh! You're gonna be a grandpa Melanie is pregnant!
Mr. Jenkins: Young kids just don't believe in condoms any more boy I tell ya! Well congrats I want you to be there at all times more than I ever was.
Violet: *sarcastically chuckles* You got that right (she mumbled)
                        *Zach's Parents come in*
Zach: Yikes! Hey mom, hey dad! The Jenkins are in room 202 *starts to follow*
                    *Melanie's parents come in*
Melanie: *rises out of chair in fear* Hey mom!.... Dad! Why are you wearing... never mind! She's in 202 but mom Mrs. J is in there so you might wanna wait! AND OMG YOU TOO DAD!
Louis: I'm wearing a suit cause me and your mom were bout to go to a formal event but the bad news happened so, there's that!
Karla: Well obviously you see I was the only one that had common sense to change! *rolls eyes while entering the room*
Melanie: *sighs* Oh boy! *gets up to follow*
Dr. Ross: Okay no more visitors it's getting a little crowded, just be mindful that's all!
Violet: Okay thanks, bye Ross!
Zach: Well isn't this just cute!
Kelly: Quiet son!
Karla: Dang neph you in college and still getting talked to like that *chuckles*
Tina Jenkins: Well hello Karla! You look... you look... cute!
Louis: Really y'all two? Still being petty!
David Jenkins: Tina you really wanna hold on to this high school beef in a married relationship?! (Says irritated)
Tate: Can y'all take this outside? Like this is not the time and place to be handling beef from 50's
VTMZ's Parents: *gasp* Wow? A reach!
                            *They all leave*
Violet: This is too much!
Zach: You think them old people gone scrap it up outside!
Melanie: *laughs* You and Tate are wrong *laughs again*
Violet: Old and 50's wow, The disrespect!
Melanie: While I'm here I should go find out to see what I'm having! (Says in a thinking voice)
Ramon(Zach's Father): Hey David, who would've thought our kids having kids!
David: Yeah it's baffling, the six of us all friends then we got older and broke apart!
Ramon: Well things happen!
Kelly and Karla: Tina you have to let it go!
Tina: *jumps* Oh my god the devil twins, I used to hate when you both talked at the same time!
Louis: Tina I'm sorry!
Karla: Wait, you don't even care do you!
Tina: *evil laughs* I never did, it was my plan I was tired of being with Louis and I was cheating on you with David anyway! *sighs* I'm so happy to get that off my chest! And I just wanna tell y'all I love Melanie in proud she's the mother of our grandchild!
Ramon: Woooooow! This was one heck of a reunion!
VTMZ's parents: *all laugh*

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