1. A Very Special Adventure

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Corona's POV-

I stared awkwardly at the person in front of me. It was quiet and the sound of the rails hitting against the track was all I could hear. I was on a train heading to Magnolia where I was going to the Fairytail Guild. I heard that it's the strongest guild in all of Fiore! 

My name's Corona Borealis, the spirit of the Northern Lights. Yes, I am a celestial spirit, but I am also a human/wizard. It may be a bit confusing, so I'll elaborate.

You know how there's a Celestial King? Well, he had a little sister and that so happened to be my mother. The Celestial King is my uncle. Since my mom was the King's little sister, he'd grant her any wish she wanted. 

Even though, my mother was royalty and an heir for the throne, she still was a spirit, so she had a key as well. Her key holder's name was Jonathan. If you caught on, then your smart, but if you didn't it's okay. The thing is that Jonathan and my mom fell in love.

Relationships between spirits and their masters are forbidden in the celestial world, but since she was the King's little sister, they were able to pull a couple strings. And well...they had me! But unfortunately my mom had mysteriously disappeared after giving birth to me and they found her she was dead a couple years later, and my father disappeared on a mission. And then there's me, a half celestial spirit, half human. 

So, I was left living with my uncle, the King in the royal castle. It's pretty boring since, my uncle's really strict about who my friends are and stuff. I've never left the castle before, so when I decided that I wanted to travel Uncle was in for a big surprise. Thankfully he said yes, and told me if I wanted to live on Earth-land, I had to go to a guild called Fairytail and find a girl named Lucy Heartfilla.

Apparently, many of the gold keys are owned by this girl, Lucy Heartfilla. She even owned the leader of the Zodiacs! I don't know who he is, but Uncle told me stories about him and all of his friends when I was younger. 

Suddenly a train whistle interrupted my train of thought. (HAHAHAHA xD) 

The train slowed down and the monotone voice announced that we had arrived in Magnolia. I grabbed my bags and started making my way towards town. Woah, Earth-land is pretty. I told you I've never been outside before. I've been stuck in the castle training my whole life. I don't want to brag, but I must say I'm pretty strong. 

I left early in the morning and now it's late in the afternoon. Night was going to fall soon, so I decided to ask someone where the guild was.

"Excuse me miss. Do you know where the Fairytail guild is?" I asked a by-passer politely.

She smiled sweetly and said, "Yes, I do. I'm actually headed there right now. Would you like me to show the way?" The lady had powder white hair and had a strong magic aura radiating off her. She had a cloak over her clothes so I didn't know what they looked like, and she was carrying a two bags of groceries.

"Yes please if you don't mind! Do you need any help with those?" I asked her pointing towards the brown bags.

"Oh! Thank you! My name's Mira Jane by the way." Mira said smiling at me. She handed me one of the bags and started leading the way towards Fairytail. The two of us, strangers, walked down the town street to the guild known as Fairytail. Neither of us knew what was in store, but I could tell that this was the start of a very special adventure.

Borealis || Fairytail (Currently Editing, but Completed)Where stories live. Discover now