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Corona's POV-

I woke up groggily the next morning, I stretched as I observed the cave that I took refuged in the night before. It seemed pretty normal besides the crystal staff looking thingy with a black stripe inside of it.........wait what?!

I jumped up I carefully walked towards the strange object. It doesn't seem to be having magic radiating off of it, but someone could've casted a spell. When did it even get here? Hmm....

I stared at it for half an hour cause I have nothing better to do with my life, and nothing happened. Nothing. Nada. Nope. Zilch. Zip. This is boring. Should I just touch it? Yeah maybe I should. But what if it's evil? Never hurts to try Corona.

I carefully held the weird staff in my hand and it started glowing.

"AHHHH!! SCARY DEMON THING!" I screamed throwing it against the wall. I closed my eyes and screamed louder when I found a little boy sitting where the staff was.

"AHHHHH!!! WHO ARE YOU LADY?" The boy screamed pointing at me.


"WHY ARE WE SCREAMING?" He asked still yelling.

"I don't know. We should stop." I said.

"Yeah." The boys said back staring at me. I stared right back. Then we both screamed again.

After we got all our screams out, I took a deep breath.

"So how'd you get here?" I asked looking at the young boy.

"I-I don't know." He stammered. Taking a good look at him, he looked around the age of 8 or 9 and he had brownish-red hair and some amber eyes like mine.

"Where are your parents?" I asked him. He shrugged his shoulders tiredly.

"All I remember is my name is Bane." Bane said softly. So this little boy has no where to go. Aww, he's so cute! Do you think I can keep him? I wanna keep him. Alright! Let's keep him them!

"Well hey Bane, my name's Corona." I said giving him my hand and a lopsided grin. He grinned back and I saw that his two front teeth were missing. Aww...bonus points! Too cute!

"So Bane, since you have no where to go. Do you want to stay with me?" I asked him kindly. Bane nodded his little head excitedly and jumped to give me a hug. Cuteness overload!

I smiled at him hugging him back, I gave his little face cheeks a squeeze. He's just so adorable.

Or cute little moment was interrupted by Bane's stomach. He blushed and I giggled.

"I guess someone's hungry." I said giggling. Bane nodded bashfully.

"Well lets go get you some food then!" I said cheerfully walking out of the cave with Bane following close behind.

"So Ron? Where are we going?" Bane asked in his cute little kid voice. I'm legit fangirling over this kid right now. I can't even.

"Well Bane, we're pretty close to Clover Town, so we'll just walk there and grab a bite." I said. Bane grabbed my hand as we ventured throughout the vast forest.

"Hey Rona. I'm getting a bad feeling about this place." Bane said looking around. I stopped and let my powers sense what's around me. Yeah...something was off about this part.

"Yeah, I agree Bane. Let's go the other way." As I said that a flying arrow flew between me and Bane. I quickly turned around and pushed Bane behind me.

"Stay there." I said to him getting in my fighting position.

Two more arrows came flying in from a bush.

"Light Flash." I commanded, the flash of light burned the arrows to the ground.

"No way! She's a wizard?!" I heard whispers from behind the bush.

"You should come out now if you don't want to get hurt." I said protectively standing in front of a scared Bane.

"C-Corona. Are you ok?" He asked quietly. I nodded and gave him a thumbs up and smile. Bane nodded and hid behind me once again.

"We're not coming out! Not even if you make us!" A voice yelled back. I shrugged, well that's too bad for them.

"Well, sucks for you then. Galaxy Wave" I said sending a wave of colorful magic to the bush. It completely destroyed the bush and behind it were two guys wearing all black holding a bow and arrow and a shovel.

Bane and I sweat dropped at our 'enemies'. They saw us an grinned evily.

"Bronswick. These two will be good. The girl with pay a good price and that boy with come in handy." One of the gross guys said. The other one smiled disgustingly at me. I cringed and looked away. I felt Bane's grip on my hand go tighter.

The two guys pulled out two sleep guns and aimed that at us.

"Time to go nighty night." They said. I looked franticly at Bane and mouthed 'run'.

We both nodded and ran off with the two guys chasing us.

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