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Corona's POV-

The two guys pulled out two sleep guns and aimed that at us.

"Time to go nighty night." They said. I looked franticly at Bane and mouthed 'run'.

We both nodded and ran off with the two guys chasing us.


Bane and I ran as fast as we could. I felt a sleeping bullet wizz past me. Oh no. What if they aim towards Bane?! I quickly started a force field bubble around me and Bane. The bullets dissovled as they hit the bubble. But the thing about the bubble is, it drains my power. Quickly.

We ran for a while and my magic power started slipping away and I started getting tired. I think the two guys noticed and started firing more. I don't think I can handle this any longer.

Bane tried to add his magic power to the bubble, but it wouldn't allow it.

The two of us stopped to catch our breath, the two guys quickly closed in on us. They smiled wickly at us.

"C'mon pretty girl. Why don't you put that bubble of yours down. Lots of people would be happy to get their hands on you and your power." One guy said creepily. I shivered at the thought of being captured by those two.

"Never! You can't take her!" Bane retorted sticking his tounge out at the creeps. My power is getting weaker by the minutes. I don't know how much longer I can take. The two creeps kept on firing and it keeps on making me weaker.

"Hang in there Ron." Bane said helping me stand, I was slowly sliding to the ground.

"I'm sorry B-bane." I muttered using one of my last ounces of magic.

"No! Ron! Stay awake! Don't leave me!" Bane yelled shaking my shoulders.

"Help!" He yelled screaming as loud as he could.

Lucy's POV-

We've been searching for Corona for a full day now, we're currently in a giant forest and Gray thinks he knows where to go.

"Turn left. No right. Wait. Yeah left. Erm.." Gray mumbled as the rest of us sighed and glared at him. We were interuppted by a loud scream.


Natsu and I made eye contact and nodded. Whatever's going on, we gotta help them. Natsu lead the way following where the cry came from. The sight in front of us was a little boy holding Corona up, who looked like she could faint any minute. And there were two guys firing at them.

"Hey! What do you punks think you're doing?!" Natsu yelled pointing at them.

Corona's POV-

"Hey! What do you punks think you're doing?!" Natsu yelled. The sound of their familiar voices made me smile. I closed my eyes and let the darkness call me in with open arms.

Borealis || Fairytail (Currently Editing, but Completed)Where stories live. Discover now