The next day

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I woke up and i was hungry i went slowly to the kitchen. I look over to the couch and see Ademir sleeping, so i quietly went to the kitchen to make breakfast for the both of ud. I drooped a pan, ohhh noo oops, i look over and i see Ademir already standing up and hee came up to me and gave me a big bear hug. Dont ever do that again, ok i wont i say hugging him back. I let go and i look at him and ask wanna help me make some pancakes , yeah he giggles . Ok i saw he had his hand all dirty from the pancake mix, he trew me the flour. I playfully tackle him down and start tickling him, STOP,STOP barley coming put of his mouth from laughing alot. I grabbed a hand full and threw him some, he grabbed an egg, you wouldn't i said,ohh yes i will he said smiling, he chassed me down the halway and all around the house untill i was putta breath. Ok ok i give up he grabbed the egg and smashed it on my head, i grabbed what was left on my head and trew it at him. We both laughed our buts off. We went back to the kitchen and made our pancakes. After we were done eating i gor a text message from Mikey saying
Mikey:hey are u ok
Me:yeah im fine
Mikey:can we talk
Me:yeah sure what's up
Mikey:can u meet me somewhere
Me:yeah sure were
Mikey:can u come over to my house
Me:umm yeah sure what time
Mikey:ima comw pick u up in and 1hr
Me:ok see u then
Mikey:ok then
I look over at ademir and see that i was texting someone who were u texting. Ademir promise me u won't get mad i sat umm ok Ademir says, ima go talk to Mikey at his house.
Ok then lets go, he says Ademir i hope u will understand bit we will be talking alone. Hiss smile faded away,we went to go grab his keys mad, i stopped him right before he could leave. Ademir u trust me right, yeah he said, then let me do this i need to talk to him. Ok he embraced me into a hug and i hugged him back its just that i find it weird that Mikey has feel- feelong. He made up a word , i look at him and say what did u say, i will let him tell you that. No tell me i begged him no Ademir saif, please i made puppy dog eye's please. Ademir tried to look away but ended up failing. Ugh ok Mikey i noticed that Mikey he uhh hass umm feelings for you. I smiled so wide, Ademir no there is no way u like him to please tell me.
Umm i mayyy maybe i said. Ughhh fine just stay safe and take care of yourself Mikey . Faxxxxx thks bro u the best i say that bc i give no- he was cut off by.........

Hope u enjoyed
Peace ✌✌✌✌

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