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"I have an idea"


Whats you're idea Jake asked, hold up we need help i called Ademir
(A,ademir m,me)
M:Ademir can u come over to Jake's house?
A:yeah ill be there in a couple of min
M:great see u then
A:ok then bye

Right wen i hang UP i smile sp wide, and look over to Jake ,ohhh no this is not going to go good. Trust me jake it will go perfect i said.

Ademir arrives
I told Ademir what Mikey has planned,what are we gonna do about that, i smile. That smile of yours is not looking so good.
Ok look here is what i have planned, Ademir u will call Mikey and tell him to meet you at my place, Jake this will sound weird but you're Mikeys best friend right. Yeah Jake said, well looks like thats about to end , i smile so evil i am going to cheat on him 1st before he cheats on me, Jake i will be cheating on Mikey with *pause takes deep breath* you. Jake looks up at me and says "me" yes you i said. Ademir you will call Mikey telling him that you that u were with me and that u thought he was in the room with me and then u will say then who's in the room with her. Ademir gaww deam sissy u know how to get back, me smile. We will do this tomorrow we will plan out everything today and do it tomorrow boys "ok deal". I will record and make a channle and post it there. Jake this is weird but u will have to take off you're pants and shirt, i wanna make this look real as possible. Ademir u will take a camera and follow Mikey wen he gets to the room but wen he gets here dont let him see it. Ademir ok Jake you're gonna hug me and i am gonna take my shirt off, ummm ok Jake said. Ademir u ok with that i ask yeah i am lets prank him good. Faxxx Jake screams, we all laugh. Jake u have cologne or something yeah ok bring that we gonna smell the whole house like you. Ademir its planned i shake his hand lets do this, i turn to Jake deal *shaking hand*. Ok lets get ready for tomorroe then i smile.



Peace ✌✌✌✌

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