04 | t h e p a r t y

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A/N: Okay, this is the very last time I'm going to add this disclaimer mainly because I'm sure y'all are getting tired of reading it every time. Bold is for when Bes' phone speaks for her and italics is for when she's thinking to herself or to the reader. You'll probably see less italics considering majority of the story is written in first person so a lot of it is her own thoughts anyways.

Hello friend. Today is my second day at Allsafe. I sure hope today isn't as mind numbing as yesterday, but a girl can only dream. Count down.. T-Minus ten months, twelve days, five hours and twenty three seconds.

This time when I walk into the building it's much more calm than yesterday. Probably first day nerves were what really threw me off. Plus I am now handling all of my own basic responsibilities in life so that was definitely a big stressed.

Walking down the aisle to my cubicle, I realize Elliot is not here and I'm immediately disappointed. I mean, sure, I wanted to check him out some more and see what other kinds of people flocked to him.. and maybe just to see how he looks in another one of those dress shirts. But I suppose today is not the day.

The whole day drags on slowly like yesterday, even worse now because there was no one crowding to the space next to me. Sure, talking to people made me uncomfortable but I'd rather be uncomfortable than completely fucking bored out of my mind. No gossip, no drama. No one left to be introduced to. No one else to mention my.. condition. No one to actually talk to, that is, until now.

"Hey, you're the new girl, Bes, right?" I look towards the voice and I beg for it to not be who I think it is.


Sadly, it is. I pull out my phone nervously as he awaits a reply.

"Yeah, that's me. We were introduced yesterday I believe. Ollie is your name?" He nods as he slightly looks confused and points to my phone.

Huh, I thought Gideon would tell him. I guess I understand why he's looking at me weird, I didn't say anything to him yesterday, only an awkward handshake.

"What's all that about?" He questions with a chuckle followed after. I internally roll my eyes.

Someone kill me. PLEASE. I guess I kind of asked for this earlier when I said being uncomfortable is better than being bored. I was completely wrong.

"I'm mute. Can't talk. Ha ha ha." The dramatic amount of haha's was really to just mock him but I'm sure he didn't notice. He looks taken aback though, and seriously looks as if though he wants to apologize. I shake my head.

"It's all good, bro. I thought Gideon had told everyone by now. No way you could have known." I assure him, even though the bro thing was totally to fuck with him. "Do you need something?" I ask, because I really have no idea what he wants.

"Uh, no. Not really. I was wondering though, there's a party at Gideon's house on Saturday and this whole floor is invited. You should come.. Just to get to know everyone better, ya know?" I consider it. This could very well be the biggest disaster in history, to my mental health. But it could also give me the great opportunity to figure out the weakest link in this place. Hopefully it's someone other than me.

"What time on Saturday?" Ollie smiles at my question. Not that I have plans or anything but I definitely want to know just in case.

"Eight thirty. But uh, Hey, do you got a ride? If not me and my girlfriend Angela can pick you up, it's really no trouble." I smirk.

Maybe this guy isn't as insensitive as he is an idiot. I write my address down on a sticky note and hand it to him. He looks like he's amused and I raise an eyebrow.

The Mute [Elliot Alderson]Where stories live. Discover now