10 | a l l s a f e

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Elliot Alderson has a severe addiction to Morphine, and since Shayla has been.. dead... he hasn't had a supplier.

This is all information I find out after I realize this man has broken into my apartment, and I found him laying.. or struggling, rather, on my living room floor.

Sure, I obviously knew there was something fishy going on since basically when Shayla shoved the baggie into his hand so fast that she probably could have snapped her arm off, but to actually get the confirmation is startling.

Honestly, I was genuinely trying to convince myself that I had just imagined the little white lines on the table.. but clearly, I am not crazy.

Of course I let him completely explain himself, being the nice person that I am but let me tell you, I was absolutely fuming the entire time.

Who does he think he is, picking the lock to my apartment  and just passing out on my floor like that? Withdrawing no less?

How arrogant. Selfish. Inconsiderate.

Maybe the messed up mind state he was in completely convinced him breaking into his neighbors apartment during the middle of the night while she was gone was a good idea, but normal people don't do this.

Well.. I'm not exactly normal either.. But I'd never just break into his apartment like that!

I explained to him my frustrations, not leaving a single cuss word out. I interrogated him (even in his slightly inconvenient state) for about an hour about how he picked the lock so easily, if he touched anything in my apartment, if he had been snooping, etc etc..

He informs me that all of the doors in the building have the same lock.

How fucking wonderful.

If someone really wanted to just walk into my house and had a key to any old apartment in here, they could just fucking do it! I made a mental note to call my mother and let her know as soon as Elliot was out of my sight.

I've never really been comfortable with people in the world of hard drugs. It reminds me too much of my father, and I personally am in no way shape or form ready to relive that traumatic event ever again.

With that said, I generously helped Elliot back to his apartment like he once did with me, and made him some soup, changed his sheets and even stayed with him until he fell asleep.

I know he'll have to get drugs soon.

I know that he won't be able to stay sober. Addicts never do.

• • •

Today is my first day back at Allsafe since the Elliot incident, and it will be my first time seeing him since then as well.

I do my usual morning routine.

Turn on the coffee pot, hop in the shower, get dressed, comb through my curly mess of hair and maybe make some bagels or toast some poptarts.

While I munch down on the breakfast food of the day and drink my coffee, I watch a bit of the news.

"The cyber security company Allsafe was hacked in the late hours of-"

Those words were the only thing I needed to hear and I was out of my door and down the hall in seconds.

• • •

As I run up to the building, there's dozens of reporters and people with cameras trying to get inside.

Crowds make me anxious.

The Mute [Elliot Alderson]Where stories live. Discover now