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The room was small, dimly lit and messed up; broken mirrors, empty drink bottles on the floor, blankets hanging off the bed, torn curtains covered the dusty windows and all kinds of garbage scattered here and there. That was how he wanted it actually, his place more and more smalled and darker and completely messed up. He never liked to leave his small little world even though he hated it. But what use was it, he hated everything, he hated the room, the people, himself...
Thinking of himself made him look into the unusual mirror on the floor lying against the wall in the corner of the room, almost completely hidden behind pile of the his clothes lying there. Inside the mirror he saw himself but not really himself. It was his lookalike from the other world, the real world they all called it. There was a different place in the mirror; full of light, cleaner and filled with people. His stomach turned as the realization of his loneliness began to resurface in his mind but he pushed the thought away and replaced it with anger as he went closer to the mirror. He kicked away the clothing that had fallen over the edge of the mirror to see exactly what his other self was doing.
He saw himself; a young goodlooking man sitting on a chair exhausted, his brown sweaty hair falling over his forehead messily, his eyes closed. An older female came with a small towel and gently tapped off the sweat on his face. He was short of breath; must have returned from a performance, the lookalike in the nightmare world thought. The place looked like backstage so his assumptions were correct. One might thing that his celebrity lookalike was happy but only he knew that his other self was ungrateful and felt lonely regardless of all that he had.
He swiftly picked up an empty drink bottle from the floor in anger and threw it towards the mirror. The glass bottle broke into pieces and the mirror cracked but slowly the cracks of the mirror began to heal themselves and the scene of his other self continued to play.
He wouldn't have ever minded living alone in this world if it wasn't for the feelings his other self kept compressing so deep that they came out of him in this dream-like world instead. Why could the other one not be grateful for all the friends and fans he had? why did he feel lonely still? Why was he so desperate inside for a special someone that could be his and his alone? Why most importantly, did he have to suffer from this loneliness because of his otherself!?!

Little did he know very soon he would hear a voice from deep inside someone's heart, calling his name...

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