Chapter 10

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Its been around half an hour but there was still no useful book. We did keep on finding clues and hints but nothing much useful. Only things about the world that everyone already knew and told me. I would try my best to focus on reading and not look at Jungkook sitting across the table in front of me, who cutely read the books through his round glasses with full focus yet I would eventually end up glancing up at him every now and then. I couldn't help it... Its obvious by now that he's my bias and I just can't resist him. Even if he isn't who I think he is, he still looks everything like the Jungkook I love and having him in front me is a thrill.
The atmosphere was eventually getting boring so he started whistle and hum to entrain himself. I suddenly thought of how good it would be to actually hear him sing. His voice seems to be the same too.
"What are you staring at," he suddenly looked up and asked me with a smirk. I didn't realize I had been staring at him for that long while having all those crazy thoughts. I blushed and looked back at my book instantly. But I don't want to read anymore, I'm sick of it, I need a break.
"Actually I have things to ask you...I'm a little curious about a lot right now," I said on hopes to start a conversation and get a break from all this reading.
"What is it?"
"Ummm..." A lot of questions rushed through my mind, I quickly sorted them and said, "well firstly you never told me your intentions. Like why you kidnapped me and all."
"Right, you kept asking 'what do you want with me' over and over again," he said.
"Yeah, and what's your answer to that."
"I'm not sure myself. I was only curious about you being from the other world and I wanted to spend some time with you I guess."
"You could have just said so though. Didn't anyone teach you how to make friends?"
"Not really, I don't like friends anyways."
"Then what else did you expect me to do when you just Locked me in your home?"
"Actually... I guess it ended up pretty awkward right? The truth is I'm not used to interactions. I don't really have anyone and I'm not interested in friends either but..." He stopped his expression turned a little mischievous and with a grin he said, "usually girls would always make the first move on me so I might have expected the same with you." My jaw dropped as the meaning of his words sank it.
"Excuse me?"
"Don't look at me like that...thats how everyone here is, this is how this world works. That's the main difference between your world and ours. In your world you have this conscious and will power to hold yourself back but here we all just do what we want. We say what we think, do what we feel like and live the way we want. There are no rules or anything else that holds us back."
"No wonder most of you are bad people," I mumble, "I guess there's no concept of goodness here if no one knows the difference between right and wrong and you all just do what you want."
"Now that I've witnessed it myself I get how different you people from the other world are. We are just impulsive and straightforward compared to you but I guess we might seem worse to you," he continued to explain but most of it was was just going over my head.
"Whatever... Let's just get back to reading," I said since I was confused of how to react to this conversation.
"My point was...I've never hand an actual normal interaction with anyone before. Its probably because you are different that I actually don't think being friends with someone is a bad idea." I could feel the conversation getting deep as his expressions became intense and serious. "Again I'm not sure why I was dying to meet you and spend time with you but I felt some kind of hope and I don't regret it even if my 'kidnapping' you was a wrong way to get to you."
"What hope?"
"Don't you get it yet? I keep on telling you...and I'll be straightforward for once; I was lonely, I hate to admit it but I've been lonely and desperate for who knows how long. I've never once had anyone in my life. For some reason I feel it will be different for you." My heart melted at how he meant each word. He was nearly in tears by the end of his sentence. I could feel his sadness in his wavering voice. "Everyday of my life was the same before," he continued after a deep breath, "I had stopped getting out of my small house for years. I had nothing to do and nowhere to go, I was sick of it. I needed something to change my life...and you brought that change. It's only been two three days and I've changed. You saw me smile just earlier, you saw me me I hadn't even lifted my lips a little in all these years!"
"I'm...I'm so sorry to hear that...I don't know what to say..." I said as I held back my own emotions. I guess that explains how he felt so scary when I first met him but now he's starting to understand how to communicate and interact properly. His emotions are more positive and he's getting a hang of how to act around me.
"You are my hope Nami," he says as his eyes look straight into mine. Those beautiful eyes...that intense gaze...the way he said my name...I nearly fainted. "So please just stay by my side as long as you are here, I feel you can change me into a better person that I want to be."
"Okay," was all I can squeak out. He smiled softly at my reaction and then went back to reading the book opened in front of him. I tried to compose myself and after a deep breath I added, "thanks for opening up to me. I really do hope i can help you in any way I can." He smiled again but didn't look up.
I then went back to my own reading. I opened up a new book but when I turned the first few pages I was shocked at what I found. All the pages of the book had been cut out from the middle forming a circular hole through the book and inside that hole there was an object. "Huh? What's this?" I say as I pull out a rusty bronze circular chained object out of the hole in the book.
"Oh you found it!" Jungkook exclaims as he looks up and stares with eyes wide open, shook mode on.
"What is it?" I say as I look at it. It looked like a small circular case, was it a fancy face powder box? Then I opened it and inside was a extremely beautiful compass!
"Its a compass that can help you find any destination you desire!" He replied with rising excitement, "I never knew these things actually existed but it looks real!"
" you mean it can help me find the way home!?"
"Of course!"
I couldn't help but stand up, jump and cheer to express my excitement. He too laughed with joy, or maybe he was just laughing at me for acting so funny...but either way that moment felt like the best moment I had ever since I came into this world. The key to returning home is in the palm of my hands! I don't need to worry anymore, I will make it out of here!

(Narrator POV)

If only the excited Nami had noticed that regardless of Jungkook laughing and celebrating with her, his heart ached with disappointment. He didn't want her to go just yet. A darkness formed in his gaze, he won't let her!

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