chapter 5

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The sun rose swiftly through the colorful clouds. The scenery around me seemed a lot peaceful and beautiful now. The sky was so colorful that I felt like I was in some magical fantasy world. The world didn't seem so nightmarish anymore. The scenery around me had changed a lot. We were walking in the middle of an empty road which seemed to be going through a village. There were a lot of gardens and farms on both sides with only small simple houses between them.
I looked at Jin who walked before me with his hand holding onto mine, pulling me along to wherever he planned to take me. I followed quietly trying to calm myself and pull myself together after all that had happened. Now that I was coming back to my senses, my fangirl self was definitely screaming inside me. Jin is holding my hand! She screamed with joy getting hyped about this fan fiction-like moment. I stared at him; he was way taller than me, well built too with obviously broad shoulders. His hair were brown and they looked so soft and smooth, they bounced along his every step. He looked so real yet he wasn't.
It was disappointing I guess, that I met BTS but they weren't really them, just some guys who happen to look like them. Their personalities were nothing like what they knew. They all spoke perfect English as well. By now I have a lot of questions sorting in my mind that I'll be asking them. There was still a lot I didn't understand yet.
Finally we came to a farm and Jin turned to take the path that went through it, dragging me along of course. It looked like a rice farm and I noticed that there were several beautiful young ladies here and there attending to the farm. I saw Jin heading straight for a small simple old fashioned village house in the middle of the rice farm. Is this his home? Is this really where he lives? Is this his farm? Man, I have a lot to ask him.
The girls in the farm all stopped working when they saw Jin and greeted him with a bow. Jin just nodded in response and continued walking. But the girls couldn't stop staring at Jin. They all admired Mr.handsome of course, they were all probably crushing hard on him. Even along the way I noticed a lot of female passerbys who stopped to admire Jin's flawless looks, some girls even got their ears pulled or head smacked by their jealous boyfriends. Jin seemed well aware of his good looks and walked proudly with a confident smirk on his face. Well that's one thing the two Jins have in common.
Jin finally let go of my hand as soon as we stepped inside his small house. "There's a room under the stairs where you can rest, anything you need will be in the closet, I'll be here cooking something, I'll let you know when I'm done," he said emotionlessly. I followed his instructions and went behind the wooden steps under which I found a door to a small room. I looked into the closet wondering if there would be something for me to change into since I had turned into a total mess. To my surprise I found jeans and shirt just my size! Maybe this room belonged to one of those farmer girls, I thought, but none of them wore anything but plain dresses so who does this even belong to? I didn't think too much about it and just changed. I drank some water and then fell into the small old bed and went to sleep. I don't usually sleep much, maybe its just because I'm going through a lot and my mind demanded rest.
Smell of some delicious food woke me up later that day from my deep dreamless sleep. I realized that lunch must be ready by now so I walked out. I saw the dining table full of various colorful dishes of steaming food. Jin was just setting up the plates, "oh I was just going to call you, come it's all ready. Sorry it took so long."
"No its OK, I got a quick nap meanwhile."
"Good, go on sit," he said pulling out the nearest chair.
Omg, I thought, I'm going to taste Jin's cooking! But then again I remembered that this wasn't really Jin. We started eating and the food tasted great! Amazing! Delicious! Its strange though, there are actually similarities between this Jin and the real Jin from my world. Its quite curious. Ugh, more questions to ask. "Um Jin, I just...well I had a lot of questions and I was hoping we could talk after we finished eating."
"Yeah, OK." He replied casually. This Jin was really serious and emotionless than the one I know. The real Jin is just so funny, childish and cute but not this one. He hasn't even given a genuine smile one, he only smirked when girls stared at him but that's not the same thing. I watched him eat as I ate, now that I look more closely, I feel a gloomy aura around him. He seems more like the Jin from BTS's MVs instead of the real one.
We ate in silence and then finally we sat in the living room where he waited for me to ask him something. This was hard, I had so many questions, the lost was never ending...where do I start.
"Um...firstly, you said you were all lookalikes of BTS..." I started.
"Is there a lookalike for everyone?"
"Yes, well...there is a chance that the lookalike in this world is dead while their other lives in your world but its not possible the other way around."
" if something happens to the other automatically die?"
"So are you and the lookalikes connected, are you the same people?"
"No, we are separate individuals who have lived different lives. We only look the same and have the same, that's it. Anything else?"
"Well actually there's a lot but...I'm thinking of what to ask, why did you all come after me? You, Suga, Jungkook and even Jhope was there..."
"Well you see whenever a person from the other world comes here, that persons voice of the heart is amplified in a way that it reaches whoever you wish to call."
"I didn't understand."
"Its like your heart called out for us and we heard your voice and followed it."
"Is that like telepathy?"
"No it has more to do with emotion then with the mind." I didn't understand completely but I felt that Jin didn't know how to explain it either, so I decided to ask something else.
"But I thought of my parents before I thought of any of you. I was scared and I'm sure I was screaming for them inside."
"Well, maybe the lookalikes of your parents don't really care about you." Ouch, that hurt my feelings.
"Oh..." Now the questions had suddenly disappeared from my mind, I felt sad all of a sudden and didn't feel like talking anymore. "Well, that's it for now I guess, I'll just...I'll go rest for a while. Thanks for lunch."
I went back to the room and lied down there. I stared at the wooden ceiling as I thought about all that had happened all of a sudden. Things were finally getting to me even though it was still too much to comprehend and believe. The mirror that fell over me was one of the many magical portals that existed in the real world that could bring us here. My parents must be worried when they find me miss...wait, dad thought I left for the bus in a rush after putting the mirror back and I left my things in the store room where I doubt my dad would go back to till next week. So if he never discovers my things, no one will know I'm missing! But maybe that's for the best, maybe I an get out of here before anyone realises I'm gone and I would have nothing to explain... But my camping trip, I'll never get to go there now. Why am I stuck in this mess? Why did this happen to me? Why? Why? Why? Tears came out of my mind as realization of all that was happening dawned upon me.
I eventually fell sick of sitting alone in my room and decided to go back to Jin and maybe talk to him some more. I went out of the room and looked for him. I found him in the small kitchen but he didn't notice me come. I suddenly froze. Jin ...was...crying. He was cutting some vegetables while standing in the kitchen and crying with his head hung low and it wasn't even onions or anything he was cutting. His eyes were misty, he seemed lost in deep thought as tears fell from his eyes. His face was completely pink, I could see the veins on his neck inflate as he tried to compress his sadness. I really wishes I could read his mind, what caused him to be so sad all of a sudden?
"Jin? Are you okay?" I whispered carefully but I still startled him. He looked at me, his wet eyes staring at me with shock. Then he wiped his tears on his sleeve suddenly while looking away.
"Oh...its you...wait, I just realized...i dont know your name, what's your name?" He did with a forced laugh.
"Oh yeah, its Nami."
"Nami, are you hungry again? Is it something you need?"
"No, I just...are you okay though? Why we're you crying?"
"Its nothing," he said forcing a smile, "I just happen to...get sad sometimes... For no reason." He tried to make it sound like a joke but I knew it was something serious but I felt too scared to ask him since he didn't seem to talk about it. "If there's nothing you need then go back to your room, its unsafe for you to wander around."
I spent the rest of the day silently in that small room. As an introvert I shouldn't have minded doing nothing and spending time alone but I felt uneasy and uncomfortable here. I couldn't sit still and do nothing. I waited for time to pass by. I watched the sun set from the window in the evening. It looked beautiful how the sun turned pinkish as it went to his behind the crops. Then Jin called me out for dinner. We ate soundlessly, not saying one word to each other. I guess my presence was too awkward for him and I probably made it worse by seeing him cry. He didn't talk much anyways and I couldn't starts conversation with him anymore. We finished diner, I helped him with the dishes... Without a word of course and then I went to bed.
I lied down in my dark room and thought of some things before I could fall asleep. I thought about these lookalikes, who were they exactly? Why were they so different? What kind of lives had they all lived that made them so strange? If they were different people, why did they look like them inte first place? Why was Jin so gloomy? Why was Jhope's lookalike so scary? And then there was also...Jungkook
My heart skipped a beat as I remembered what happened between me and Jungkook. Jungkook was the most different, he acted so odd that I couldn't even think of a word to describe him or explain his behavior. What was with him? They way he looked at me, it gave me butterflies just to think of his stare. His gaze looked so hungry...was he a vampire!?! Wait no, no one mentioned the existence of vampires in this world. Uh, I guess I'm over thinking this. Besides I don't need to worry about him I'm safe here. I decided to calm myself down and I finally fell asleep.

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