chapter 6

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I was woken up in the middle of the night by a chill. I stirred and realized that the room was suddenly cold and windy. I turned to look at the window sleepily and found it open. I'm not sure I remember leaving it open but I was too sleepy to get up to close it. I just pulled my blacked higher up my shoulders and tried to go back to sleep.
Then suddenly I heard a noise. It was the kind of noise that makes one keep their eyes shut instead of suddenly opening them. It was silent kind of noise that made one feel someones unwanted presence in the room. I could sense movement. Someone was sneaking in the room. Is it ghosts? Maybe those evil monsters? My heartbeat sped up but I felt that I should open my eyes and do something rather than just lying here with my eyes closed. I couldn't just play dead and expect nothing to happen to me, I was just making it easier for them.
I dared to open my eyes. I was still lying down when I looked around the suddenly still and silent room. I decided to get up and if I can, I'd go run straight to Jin's room but before I could have even lifted my head, a hand was suddenly forced over my mouth. Sweet sent of fruity soap was forced into my nose all of a sudden.
I froze as a shadow of a person hovered over me. I tried to speak or scream but the hand was pushed against my face even more forcefully if I did so, it was too strong. I was too scared to move, I tried to gather my strength so I could try and kick or push the person away but then my eyes adjusted to the darkness and a realization made me stunned. I realized that I was staring into the most beautiful pair of eyes I and ever seen, I recognized them immediately since it had been my biggest wish to just stare into his eyes up close. Slowly I was able to see the details his face in the darkness too and it was confirmed... Jungkook!
He put a finger over his lips with a warning glare, telling me not to speak. "I'm not gonna hurt you if you cooperate,understand?" He whispered. Why do I love his voice so much, it was so hypnotizing me. I wanted to remind myself that this wasn't the real Jungkook but it was too convincing right now. "You are gonna do exactly as I say, okay?" There was threat in his voice and I knew there was no chance to fight him so I just nodded. "Good, you are going to come with me, quietly...okay?" Why? I wanted to ask, where is he gonna take me? What does he want from me? Just please don't be a demon or a vampire, i thought as I nodded once more.
He then finally removed his hand from my mouth and gripped my wrists tightly. He pulled me out of the bed with his merciless strength and walked out of the window bringing me along. He walked pretty fast across the farms. I didn't understand what to do, I was too scared. "Where are you taking me?" I finally asked as he paced away from Jin's house pulling me along. "What do you want from me?" He ignored me and didn't answer. "If you don't answer me, I won't come with you, I'll scream for help, I'll call out for Jin..." I turned around to look at Jin's house as I spoke but I lost my words when I realized that Jin's house, the farms, the entire neighborhood was nowhere to be seen! The scenery behind me had completely changed. How was that possible, we had only walked for a few minutes.
"Don't bother," he finally replied without stopping or turning around, "there's no one here to help you and you can't ever find your way back. There's no turning back now, you have to come with me, you have no choice...unless you prefe me abandoning you for the shadows to find you." Is he referring to those beasts, I hop not.
"But at least tell me what you want!?" He didn't answer, he just kept walking.

We eventually arrived to a small crowded town full of small houses clustered together. The atmosphere of the place didn't look good. It seemed like a place for all kinds of bad people like drunkards, gangsters, thieves or maybe even worse types of people that I was really trying hard to not think about. The streets were filthy, the air was stuffy and the surroundings very noisy. Echoes of shouts, scary laughter or drunken singing came from distances. Jungkook dragged me deeper and deeper into that town, turning into streets that were narrower than the last. I really wanted him to stop, I tried to free myself from his firm grip but he was incredibility strong.
Finally we arrived to a small house, smaller than an apartment, at the edge of the scary town. Jungkook unlocked the door and pushed me inside and then locked the door from behind. I was in a small filthy room with only one orange light bulb hanging on the ceiling that was turned on. There was a bed room on my left side and a kitchen on my right. The place where I stood seemed to be the living room with one old couch and a few drawers. The room was filled with all kinds of junk but what caught my attention were glass bottles that didn't seem like they were cold drink bottles and some them were broken. Actually a lot of things were broken, damaged or turned upsidedown. Is this really Jungkook's house and not hulk's? Sorry lame joke but you get the picture, right?
Jungkook dragged me into the bedroom side which was even more filthy. Clothes piled on here and there, on the floor and on the chairs. A bunch of broken things here too and a closet that seemed to be vomiting out all kinds of things. It was pretty dark here. Only two dim lamps on the side tables were responsible for the light in the room. There was cracked TV by the wall on one side of the bed and a window on the other side with torn curtains. There was also a chair by the TV where Jungkook sat.
I stood awkwardly staring at him. I didn't get what was happening and I was suddenly too scared to ask or say anything. "Sit," he ordered sternly gesturing towards the bed. I looked at him but then I looked away, I had to avoid seeing his face to remind myself that this isn't Jungkook, I can't let his looks deceive me since he's obviously taking advantage of it. I sat hesitantly on the edge of the bed and waited for him to say and do anything.
Quite some time passed in stillness and silence that I was made too look up at him curious of what was going on. He was just sitting there looking at me. Maybe he was thinking something but I couldn't read in his expressions. "What is it then," I finally asked, my voice was shaky and weak to my surprise, "why did you bring me here?"
"What's your name," he suddenly asked. I was taken aback.
"Nami," I replied awkwardly.
"Nami..." He softly repeated making me feel butterflies. Hearing that voice say my name was maddening. There was a prolonged silence after that once again.
"But what do..." I only started speaking when he suddenly jerked his head sideways with a 'tch' sound that instantly reminded me of the real Jungkook. I had always noticed that gesture and recognized it as a gesture of only Jungkook, the real Jungkook. His 'tch' cut me off and after that jekring-his-head-sideways-gesture he got up from the chair and sat right next to me. I froze as I watched him scoot closer to me and stare into my eyes. It was pretty creepy how he kept on staring at my face as if trying to find something on it.
"Nami," he whispered as he leaned in close, "I like your eyes." My heart skipped a beat. I should be the one saying that to him anyways, what's so special about my eyes? Well, they are actually nice but what is he telling me that for? I really didn't get this guy, what was going on anyways. Is he flirting? Wait...does he have any bad intentions...I got scared by the thought instantly and suddenly wished someone would save me from somewhere. Does Suga live nearby, I thought, he was there to protect me from Jungkook last time. If only he could find me here and save me again.
Jungkook kept staring onto my eyes but I was only staring back with fear now. I wanted to run away but I was petrified, I just couldn't move. My heart raced as he continued to lean closer to me slowly. He ended up centimeters away from my face. My skin burned with the experience of having Jungkook so close to me but this wasn't Jungkook! Someone please save me, I'm not okay with this!
Our noses were split seconds away from touching when a sudden bang on the door startled both of us to look away. The loud banging continued and was followed by angry yelling of someone with a rough fierce voice, "You better open this door this instant before I break it down and kill you!" It was Suga! He came! Is this what Jin tried to tell me about the voice of our heart, I thought of Suga helping me and he actually came!
I was just going to call out to Suga when suddenly Jungkook's hand was pressed over my face again. I tried to scream but he pushed his hand over my lips too forcefully. He then pulled me away from the bed and towards the closet. He took some kind of scarf from in there and quickly tied it around my mouth. The he took some sweater and tied it around my arms and similarly he tie something around my legs. He double knotted everything tightly and pushed me into the closet and closed the door.
"You better open up this instant!" Suga continued to yell his voice turning huskier as he screams louder.
I heard Jungkook run to the door, open it and causally say, "what is it now?"
"She's here isn't she!"
"Who?" Jungkook spoke pretending to not know anything. I tried to speak, move or make any kind of noise but I failed. I heard stomping of feet run inside which must have been Suga since I heard Jungkook angrily yell, "hey, get out of my house this instant! How dare you break in?!"
"Oi, let go of me OK." Suga said in a hushed yet even scarier and angrier tone. My guess Jungkook grabbed onto Suga's collar or something. "You really want to pick a fight with me. Don't feel so confident that I won't be able to hurt you."
"You know what, I think today's the day I want to take the risk and find out," Jungkook said.
I suddenly heard sounds of rough movements and things breaking. They were fist fighting now for sure. I wanted to say something or move but the cloth was tied to tightly over my mouth. Forget screaming or talking, I was having a hard time breathing. I suddenly started to become dizzy and I fainted. You can't blame me for it, after all that I've been through it was bound to happen at some point now.
Everything faded away and the noises of Jungkook and Suga fighting wee the last thing I hear before I lost consciousness.

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