chapter 1

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It was just an ordinary day again. School is over though, well not over exactly, just winter break. It kept on getting colder day by day but no snow, I never saw snow, I always wanted to but sadly it doesn't snow here. Without snow the cold weather was just irritating.
I stared at the foggy view outside the window for quite some time. Actually I was just lost in thought... Vacation, yes I should go someplace. Winter holidays are short but I can definitely go someplace. I wanted to be alone actually, I wanted a new routine, wanted to meet new people. I've gotten quite sick of everyone these days I just want to go someplace far from everyone I know. But where?
I hop to my laptop and search for ideas for a quick vacation. I only start typing, 'how to go...' When 'how to go to Korea', 'how to cheaply travel to Korea' and things like that pop under my popular, recent searches. I'm not embarrassed, what BTS fan a.k.a ARMY hasn't tried this? Its my biggest dream but I'm in no position to make that dream come true. I'm just a poor international fan. Maybe later when I can earn for myself but for now...let's look for nearby travelling ideas.
After an hour or so I finally came across the perfect thing; winter camping session! 'Cool' I thought, 'snow boarding, ice skating, camp fires! Its perfect, its close by and affordable!' I rushed down to my mom, it'll take some time to convince my parents so I better start right away.
"Mom," I say in the obviously sweet voice that warns her that I'd be begging for something soon. "So you know I've wanted to go on my own someplace for vaca..."
"Nami, I've told you. You are far too young to travel on your own. Its harder than you think."
"But its a camping technically I won't be exactly alone right?"
"Camping? But you are not into travelling with strangers..."
"Yeah but its in the northern areas...snow! Ice skating! That kind of stuff!" I exclaimed excitedly.
"Oh..." Now she understood why I wanted to go there. "Well show me all the information and I'll talk to your father."

I don't know how it happened, I can't even believe it but two days have passed and I'm packing to leave. 'I wonder if I'd meet any ARMY there' I thought for a second but impossible. I couldn't find one interested fellow in my entire school, chances of meeting another fangirl in this camping trip...impossible! But just invade I made sure to pack stuff that made my love for BTS obvious for another fan to notice; BTS shirt, sweater, hoodie, shoes, whatever I got, I packed it as a priority.
I went downstairs happily with my packed bags. The bus would pick everyone up at evening from a distant bus stop. I had lunch happily with my parents.
"I can't believe you are so excited that you packed already, I almost feel you are ready to walk all the way to the bus stop by yourself," my mom exclaimed.
"No need, the bus stop is near the store, she can come and help me with today's delivery while she waits for the bus," my father said. He did some weird business with antiques and owned a small antique store. He would first buy and collect all kinds of antiques and eventually sell them since there wasn't much to do with them. If only BTS were antiques, my father would have traveled any corner of the world and brought them to me in a heartbeat.
He drove me to his store. "See there," he said as soon as he stopped the car in front of the store, "the bus stop is right across the street, so no need to rush there, okay?"
"Fine dad," I guess he really needed my help today, must have asked a lot of stuff to be delivered to the store today...well I'd be busy for a while but its all cool today because I'd be leaving for my trip soon!

Darker Lookalikes (BTS) Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora