Chapter 13

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I really wanted to change the topic desperately as to fight the anxiety that I was getting at the thought of being followed and spied on. Who could it be? Why were they following me? I really didn't want to think these things especially since I knew Jungkook would easily get mad if he found out.
" people actually do jobs in this world," I finally asked to distract myself, "I mean like this cafe and that waitress, don't people get and do whatever they want here. So why does a place like this exist as well as that girl?"
"Probably because she likes it," he replied after a thought, "maybe she finds it fun... And most likely she owns this place."
"So you're saying she owns and runs this place for the fun of it?"
"Yeah not all people like picking pockets and eating whatever trash they desire, some enjoy working, earning and other normal things hence they just do it," he explained.
I turned around to look at the jumpy girl cooking our food and surely she had passion for all she was doing right now. "So...if she ever gets sick of this or wants to do something else, shed just close this place down and do whatever else she wants."
"Yeah," he replied as he stretched his arms and folded them behind his head causing his biceps to flex and let's not forget he folded half of those sleeves up. I instantly attempted to look elsewhere before I started drooling at that sight and that's when the teen girl returned to our table with some steaming, nice smelling food. Luckily he straightened up from his comfortable pose as the girl arrived and placed the food of our table.
"Hey by the way," she said as she turned to Jungkook, "you're cute, are you single?" As she asked she started to brush her hand playfully over Jungkook's head, it made me quite bitter since touching a guys hair was like my thing and Jungkook was my bias and her flirty move was really annoying me even though she seemed like a nice girl a moment ago.
"Yea I'm single," he replied blandly as he turned to look up at her but then his playful gaze turned to me as he added, "but my heart's already taken."
My jaw dropped, my heart sank, what did he just say? The way he said and the way he looked at was like he was lowkey flirting with me instead of her. His eyes were staring straight into my am I not dead yet?
"Aww too bad...but I wasn't single anyways," the girl suddenly laughed and walked away.
After that I just started eating but he stared at me with a naughty smile for a while before he started eating too. He didn't stop staring at me and I tried my best to just ignore him and simply focus on eating my food...which was delicious by the way. Finally when we both finished eating he said, "you really like me don't you? Stealing your heart is gonna be pretty easy then."
"Wha..." I said as I doumbfoundedly stared at him with my mouth open. My mind went blank as nothing but his words echoed in my head continuously.
"Nothing," he smirk-grinned and winked, "let's just go back to the library now." I just nodded in my state of wide-eyed shock, my face probably burning red, my heart racing, my breath held...I followed him out of the cafe like a dazed zombie.
As we tried to find our way back, the atmosphere kinda became dark and cold. Thick thunder clouds gathered over us. Creepy empty, not completely constructed buildings and dark alleys surrounded us. Just as I was going to ask whether we were lost, a figure standing in front of our path came to view. We stopped. It looked like a hooded man...except he was nothing but blackness... Like the shadow beasts!
Instantly Jungkook grabbed my wrist and dashed sideways into an ally. The man like shadow, that seemed like an offspring of a dementor plus zombie, raced right after us. It was after me. We ran as fast as we could but he was too inhumanly fast! We turned around more corners hoping to lose him in the maze of streets but he only slowed down a little before finding us again and catching up to us. I was starting to get breathless, lactic acid burned my body...and what made it worse we came to a frekin dead end!
"Inside!" I exclaimed as I saw an open door of a building beside us. Jungkook dragged me straight in. We ran deep inside and went into a small broom closet-like room...luckily it wasn't too small for the both of us. Jungkook instantly put a hand over my mouth after we were well hidden. I'm glad he did so too or else I'd probably be making all sorts of sounds of fear or at least my breathless gasps would have been too loud. He was successfully silent in comparison and we watched the figure go straight past out hiding spot.
Suddenly I wasn't thinking about the beast anymore, the sweet scent of the soap coming from his hand under my nose was almost intoxicating, so was the softness of his skin. I almost dazed. I became calm pretty fast too. He then turned to look at me, either I had some weird expression on my face or maybe he sensed my feelings again, whatever it was it made his expression change.
He stopped panting and smirked playfully. Then, without removing the hand on my lips, he stepped closer and closer...and closer. I felt him take a deep breath, the air of his exhale falling on my face and then next moment his face had gotten too close to mine that my eyes fluttered shut. Our noses brushed, touched, rubbed against each other, our foreheads too. I peeked open my eyes, which took a lot of effort, to see that he was kissing the back of his hand that was on my lips. My cheeks burned at the glimpse of his expression. His eyes were dreamily closed and he really seemed to be enjoying himself. I almost imagined the absence of his hand between us and my lips nearly squeezed closer into his palm but then I came to my senses and with both my hands and all of my strength I pushed him away.
I was only strong enough for us to part a little but I instantly slipped aside and gasped, "what do you think you're doing!?"
"Don't act like you didn't enjoy it," he replied with a satisfied smirk.
I was expecting him to be at least slightly regretful or shameful but he didn't even say sorry. I was completely flustered by his retort but then I decided to change the topic, "is it gone?"
Jungkook peeked out of the room and cautiously stepped out, "yeah, its gone."
"Good," I said pushing him out of my way and walking ahead and out while trying my best to show some attitude and act unaffected by his actions. I'm not even gonna think about it, its like it never happened. He's just a lookalike remember, not the Jungkook I love, I can't let him play with me like this. "Let's just get back to the library," I state sternly. I eventually let him walk ahead as he lead the way but I avoid eye contact and don't even talk to him from then onwards.

Darker Lookalikes (BTS) Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt