chapter 2

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A big delivery truck arrived full of boxes of all sizes, each of them having the word 'fragile' written on them. I helped my father take all boxes to the storeroom behind the shop while he made the payments for the delivery. Then we opened and emptied all the contents from the boxes. We had to sort all the things, clean them, put price tags on them and then finally we would put them on display in the store. It took a while since a lot of stuff came this week.
Time passed away quickly and the time for me to leave for the bus came. I told dad that I should be walking towards the bus stop soon and went to the car to grab my bags. "Wait, the bus won't leave immediately so there's no need to rush," he called from inside.
"What?" I yelled while coming back since I couldn't hear him properly from outside.
"Just hang this mirror on display at the back first before you leave."
'Wow dad,' I thought while throwing my things aside in the store room and picking up an old fashioned round mirror, 'you really have to make me work till the last minute. I almost thought you'd say goodbye in case I never returned.' I carefully put the mirror down and looked at the wall where all kinds of things were hanging on display like paintings, decoration and more mirrors. There was a nail with a big enough empty spot up on the wall. I went to get the stool. Then I carefully hung the mirror on the wall and jumped off the stool. I had to rush now so I kicked the stool away and was about to grab my things that I left in the store room but a sudden noise made me stop.
Little did I know that the mirror was a little broken from behind so that a single nail wasn't enough to hold it against the wall. I heard some creaking from it, looked up and saw it swinging sideways. I panicked! I stood underneath it and just then it fell, I wonder if my first impulse was to catch it or else I would have moved to save myself but I realized too late and the mirror fell straight over me.

It was strange, I had closed my eyes and put my arms over me to protect myself but it never hit me. I didn't feel any pain instead a strange feeling of being forced through thick gooey liquid passed through my entire body from bottom to top. It ws like i was forced through a thick jelly and back. I suddenly felt exhausted and collapsed. Is this what fainting feels like or maybe this is what dying feels like.
Nope, I wasn't dead so I guess I was just getting the strange feeling while I was unconscious but I still felt no pain and I suddenly felt better. I remember hearing a muffled sound of glass breaking but did it not hit me?
I finally opened my eyes and sat up. I found myself lying on grass and there was a clear puddle right beside me. I heard a muffled sound of my father from there that made me look into the puddle. Inside the puddle I saw instead of my reflection, the view of the store from below. The view was cracked and that's when I realized that I was seeing the shop from the perspective of the broken mirror.
"Nami? God, did she just put this up in a rush and left? It fell because of you stupid girl. Lucky this wasn't an expensive mirror," I heard my dad's muffled voice from there.
"No dad!" I screamed, "im here, I'm inside the mirror" he didn't hear me and he just left. Then I thought, where exactly is here?
I looked around and found my self on an empty grassy hill under a clouds sky. I could see some houses and things far away. I looked back into the puddle and tried to push my hand into it but it only cracked further and water came from below. The view of the store was completely gone. Maybe I was dead, maybe this is heaven, I thought. But it seemed to be too gloomy to be called heaven. The sky was getting darker rapidly.
Suddenly some scary growling like noises behind me made me turn around. I was petrified when I saw three shadow like figures rising from the ground and shifting to turn into beastly monsters. They were far away but their huge terrifying glowing eyes glared at me without mercy. I knew they would pounce towards me any second so I instantly got up and dashed away to the opposite direction. The monsters became furious and immediately began to chase after me. I raced as fast as I could down the hill and towards the nearest house. It looked old and abandoned, I raced right into it and slammed the door shut behind me.
It was very dark inside, the only light can from outside but thanks to all the darks clouds covering the sky it was impossible to see anything. I went deeper into the house in case the monsters tried to come inside. It took some time for my eyes to adjust to the darkness and when they did I felt even more scared. The house looked no different than the many haunted houses I've seen in horror movies; dusty, old, furniture cover with white sheets, broken things and moreover no lighting. I crept through the hallway and stopped before the staircase. It looked dangerous to climb it but suddenly I heard the monsters slamming themselves into the front door. I dashed up immediately before they could have broken down the door.
Once I was upstairs, to my surprise the monsters left as if they felt I wasn't in here. I sighed out in relief.
"What are you doing inside my house," a squeaky voice of a girl startled me. I turned to look at her and saw on my left a creepy little girl dressed in a torn old gown holding a knife. What nightmare world is this, I thought, where have I ended up. "Wow are you from the real world," the scary girl asked as she came closer, "I wonder if killing you would feel any different than killing those from this world." Even though she was small and I knew she couldn't hurt me easily but I was too afraid to take the chances. I didn't want to go back down in case the monsters returned so I ran further upstairs where there was only one small room inside which I ran and locked myself in. The girl stabbed the knife at the door angrily but luckily she wasn't strong enough to break in. I backed away from the door and I noticed I was in an empty attic. I only saw a few wooden boxes there but then I also noticed an old broken piano in the dark corner of the attic. Regardless of me being in the helpless, hopeless, nightmarish situation guess what I thought when I saw the piano...Suga! I wanted to punch my inner fan girl, nows not the time to remember Suga! I should be praying to God for help instead. I cowered into the corner of the room, sat there and caught my breath as the freaky girl continued her attempts to get in. I hugged my knees hoping that the girl would just go away and leave me alone. I was so scared and confused for all these things suddenly happening to me. I did my best to not think of even scarier thoughts while I was locked inside a dark old spooky attic with a scary girl outside trying to kill me.
The girl screamed angrily trying to get it but suddenly a knock from the main door interrupted her. I heard her go down and so I slowly came to the door and peeked through some cracks that had formed on the door because of the girl stabbing it. I managed to see a little bit of the front door downstairs through one of those cracks. The girl opened the door angrily and was suddenly startled and afraid of whoever she saw standing in front of her doorstep. She dropped her knife in shock. I couldn't see clearly but I think it was a figure of a man out side.
"Get out," he said and trust me it took me forever to comprehend what he said since he spoke in the lowest of volumes plus he was all the way downstairs.
"But this is my house!" The girl screamed with rage, her high pitched voice echoed through the house.
"Don't make me repeat myself," he said in his low nonchalant voice again. The girl was obviously too afraid to mess with him so she stomped outside. The guy came in and started to explore but I couldn't see him through the cracks anymore. If the scary girl was afraid of him then imagine how frightened I must have been feeling. I crawled back to my dark corner shaking with fear. Hopefully the man wouldn't come up here since he doesn't have a clue of a random girl hiding in the attic. I had no chance of escape at the moment. I hugged my knees and cried, I wanted this nightmare to end. I tried to calm myself down and go to sleep with hope that I might wake up home again.
I looked at the piano and thought of a BTS song, I played a soothing song in my head till I fell asleep. Thinking of nothing but good things to prevent having any nightmares in my sleep. I thought of BTS's smiling face, as I became sleepier I imagined each of the members cheering me up. Those kind of thoughts always calmed me down and then finally I went to sleep.

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