Chapter 16

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I woke up as daylight found its way through my eyelids. I forced my heavy eyelids open. I felt tired and exhausted, why wouldn't I be, I've been running around from monsters for the past few days and trust me, I'm no where near bring an athletic person. A yawn escaped my mouth as my vision adjusted to the sunlit hotel room. I felt warm and cozy, I didn't feel like waking up just yet. The image before me cleared, I was still facing the end of the bed that faced the door but I wasn't hanging off the edge anymore, rather comfortably lying near the middle...but what's this in front of me? My arms? Yes they are...but one, two...why do I have three arms? Wait a minute! That's not my arm in front on me over my other arm!
My eyes widened in alarm, all the sleepiness was gone all of a sudden as my eyes followed where the third muscular arm came from. It was resting on top of one of my arms, I turned slightly to follow where it was coming from and the next thing I know is that Jungkook's neck is right in front of my face! I froze. My skin heated up as my brain comprehended the situation. Jungkook had been sleeping whilst back-hugging me! I felt his breath on my forehead and the sound of his soft snores seemed to echo.
I carefully moved my head slightly up to look at him and instantly my heart melted and I just remembered how soft Jungkook sleeping made me. It was the cutest thing about him. The way his mouth was slightly open and his bunny teeth peeked out, the way his soft dark hair were all messed up and falling over his forehead. He looked so adorable and harmless unlike how he is when he's awake. This feels like a dream come true, what should I do!? I don't want to leave...I'm trying not to want to but...he's so cute!!!
Then I turned my head back down as my neck began to hurt in that position and suddenly my eyes widened. I nearly cursed. My eyes landed on his bare skin under his shirt that was now unbuttoned! Those muscles and abs! What did I just see! I should be ashamed! I should probably get away from him before he wakes up to find me flustered because of him. But then again, I don't want to leave. Then I decided. I'll go back to sleep and act like I never woke up. I won't wake up again till he wakes up first and goes away and I'll be completely innocent. Yes, that's it!
So then I closed my eyes, took a deep breath of his sweet scent and made myself comfortable in his arms. I couldn't even resist leaning my face into his bare skin. I was probably blushing to death and feeling all ticklish inside but I managed to go back to sleep.

I was later disturbed from the comfyest sleep of my life due to Jungkook stirring and shifting. I was still pretty much asleep when I felt his head move to look down at me. I wonder how he reacted to find me nuzzling into him in my sleep. Then I felt his arm, the one that was over me, shift and the next second I felt a soft warm touch on my cheek. I was starting to wake up now but I kept my eyes closed. His hand was as big as my face and sweet smelling like soap and extremely warm and soft. He caressed my cheek with his thumb. I tried to stay clam and keep pretending how to sleep but now I felt all fuzzy inside and he might probably feel my skin heating up under his hand.
Then moments later I felt a soft touch on my forehead and I think I fainted the moment I realized what happened because the next second I was fast asleep again. By the time I became conscious again, Jungkook was no longer with me and his absence almost felt like a part of me was missing. What am I thinking! I can't just fall for this guy! He isn't even who I think he is. I'm still not sure if I can trust him.
I wake up to find Jungkook in fresh clothes and wet hair. He couldn't stop smiling to himself and he would steal glances at me and then smirk. He was preparing to leave.

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